
I worry constantly about baby still breathing etc and I'm not getting any sleep. I'm anxious about everything?

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I worry constantly about baby still breathing etc and I'm not getting any sleep. I'm anxious about everything?




  1. i don't have a baby yet but i too feel the same way to my family members especially to my husband.. I just love them so much ..

  2. I was exactly the same. I did not sleep for more than 1/2 block for the first six weeks. I ended up buying a breathing monitor for my son. It has a pad which slips under the mattress and monitors the movement of the baby's breathing. If the movement stops (ie no breathing) an alarm sounds. It was the only way I could relax so might be helpful for you as well. They are not a lot more expensive than normal baby monitors these days. My brand was angel care and worked really well. You can get them pretty cheap on ebay as well. Hope this helps. It is a really hard time.

  3. It could be that you have postnatal anxiety. You may want to visit your doctor and talk about your concerns. when I had my baby I was the same. I freaked out about everything and wasnt coping because of all my worry. The doctor said I had post natal anxiety and prescribed my anti depresants to help ease the symptoms. After a week or so I began to calm down and enjoy being a mother rather then worrying myself half to death.

    Also what helped for me was having an angel care monitor. It detects even the slightest breaths of the baby and will sound an alarm if baby stops breathing. Its so reasuring having that little light on the monitor blinking at me during night time every time my baby takes a breath. I sleep easy now knowing that if she had stopped breathing my alarm would be going off. They are brillant. A little more expensive then a normal baby monitor but worth every dollar

    Good luck and hang in there. It will get better.

  4. No, honey. i was exactly the same, im sure most mums would admit to watching their new born baby sleep, just to make sure he/she is still breathing, i used to regularly wake and listen or feel my sons tummy going up and down, after a while you stop worrying, its perfectly normal to worry like this,  Your baby will be fine :)

  5. just relax, i did the same thing for 3 months...your baby will be fine as long as you take the percautions (no bumpers, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals etc in the crib)

  6. I did the same thing with my first born. I ended up putting her in a bassinet to sleep and put it right next to my bed. It made me feel a lot better and if I had any worries she was right there to check on. It worked great and I finally got some sleep!  

  7. calm down have faith in GOD  ur baby is just fine if there is nothing wrong with him i was the same when my baby was born it happens but dontworry sleep well enjoy have fun.dont make it too big deal.keep the baby close to u so u can keep an eye on him.


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