
I worry too much what can i do to stop?

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I've been worrying too much latly for the past 2 years. Since i was 12 now 14. I can't sleep i just cant rest my mind i get so angry at myself i feel like ripping my head off or killing myself which i might even try. I cant get out of this, my friends are all so happy and carefree do anything any day just dont worry about things. with me i cant go out because i worry about things including how i look, i know this is ment to be because of pubety but ive asked a few girls my age and they dont worry half as much as me. I cant go on living now my family are annoyed because i think i have insomnia because i cant sleep anymore !!! help :( every minute i worry sometimes i worry about not worrying i cant stop myself




  1. worrying won't help you either...

    and as far as people looking at what you wear, how you look... they're going to create opinions about you anyways, no matter how good or bad you're looking.

    the best way is to start ignoring everybody as if there's no one around you. think of yourself on top of the world when you go out.  And most importantly start respecting your existence. if you don't or can't respect yourself, how do you expect others to respect you?

    you really are special to someone in your life, maybe your mother, sister, brother, father. etc. etc. and who knows some guy in your neighbors having a crush on you, you never know dear...

    start enjoying life in every breath, think of what you're good at and put everything at it to be really proud of. the master of the game. piano, arts, judo, gymnastics, ice skating (dancing), studies ofcourse, lol. there are a lot of things a person can get into.

  2. It's called Anxiety and there are a ton of different types of anxiety and a ton of people with it. The best thing to do, if you cannot control it yourself, is to see a professional and maybe get some medication that can help you. I have been on propanolol recently and it works great. Anxiety medicine works and it's not shameful to be on it. Talk to a therapist they help as well. Just remember Anxiety is controllable and it's all in your head. Your mind can play dirty tricks on you sometimes.  

  3. Whoa! Elle, don't make yourself crazy!

    If you do volunteer work, you'll be engaged in constructive activity, and that'll affect your mind - not only what you think, but how you think.  It makes a difference, to be giving our time & efforts on another's behalf. It takes us 'out of ourselves' and can cause us to think of life in a completely new way.

    Try that for a few weeks (say, 3, maybe weekends only, or a couple hours here & there during a week) and observe the different feelings and ideas you've been having. They can be the start of something new and refreshing inside your head and will show in your behavior and attutude.

    Best wishes.

  4. please don't kill your self! go to a doctor these will help you most, you're 14 and have a long life ahead of you . . think about that

  5. okay, just try to think about something you enjoy doing,

    Take up a new hobby, and dont worry everyone worries about stuff they just dont let it get to them becuase theres no point.

  6. well for one thing i don't even know what your worried about which makes it hard to answer, but if its health your worried about then the only thing making you unhealthy is the worrying. it could also be that you have nothing else to occupy yourself with. i think too much it keeps me up sometimes too, the cure is knowing that there is no cure and that its a part of phsychology, its who you are, you think, you worry and you process multiple scenarios and it drives you crazy. the fact is things will happen no matter what, whether you thought of it or not, if you die do you think you will be able to control what happens any better? no, you have to accept that you are nothing and at the end of the day your thoughts changed nothing there for if its gonna happen or not, who gives a ****, concentrate on dealing with things when they happen, let people deal with their own **** unless they ask you for help, and no matter what the outcome, your still you, they are still they and the world goes on no matter what, so whats the use in worrying about, your not in charge and you don't have to be, you will grow and change no matter what, and have some fun oi;D catchya

  7. When you worry you fell to trust God. So look at it this way... Is there nothing God can't do? NO!

  8. I used to worry a lot too.

    As for the worrying part, do something you enjoy doing, such as sports, instruments, listening to music, etc.

    As for the sleeping part, when you try to go to sleep, count down from 100. (This method did not help me, but it has helped others.) If that doesn't work, try focusing on your breathing. Think about breathing in, and out, and nothing else. You can try reading before you go to sleep, too.

    If you worry about what you look like, then try exercising more.

    Good luck!

  9. See anxiety treatments, at  ezy build (below) in section 6. Set yourself a specific time period for worrying about anything, (say; around three quarters of an hour, possibly when you get home, or after your evening meal, but not too close to bedtime) after which, resolve firmly to refuse to even entertain the thought of worrying again on that day: realise and accept that to do otherwise would be counterproductive to your mental health, and enjoyment of life.    

                      You will have had your "worry time" for the day, and can just write down any more thoughts that come to mind, and say to yourself: "Well, I'll just have to worry about that tomorrow, won't I?".            It is important to deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, or images, by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately.          

                                                                                     When you notice  something negative, such as: "I'm never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so pathetic/useless/such a loser?" or even: "I can't do this/will never get over this!", or a disturbing image, recognise that this is part of the mindset which will hold you back from progressing in your recovery.                                                                                                                                                                           Having identified and labelled it, I first visualise a large  "STOP!" sign, then I say to myself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick", instead of "tactic". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.                                                                                                                                           Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method.

             Practice one of the relaxation methods in sections 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Alternatively, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. There is also a version for use in public places, (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you massage/lightly tap your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind). Section 53,  and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o at (also see section 3, on insomnia: page O first) also refer: "Even though I sometimes suffer from anxiety, I deeply and completely accept myself." Neurofeedback treatment for anxiety is increasingly becoming available.  Herbal remedies, such as valerian, (which is not recommended for use if depression is also present) passionflower, or St.John's wort, are often effective, but the idea is (as with anxiolytic medication) to use them like water wings, or training wheels on a bicycle, providing initial support, and giving time for other treatments, such as therapy, and relaxation techniques, to take effect.

  10. Don't feel alone b/c you are not, I worry sometimes also. Its okay but what i do now is as soon as I feel like worrying again I do something to keep my mind off whatever thats about to bother me, At first it seems like it wasnt working. But its getting better and easier. Also the best help that i could have no matter what your religion is Pray during the time your worryn and you shall receieve and answer a gift and things will get better I promise. GOOD Luck just try


  12. you suffer from anxiety, like myself..tell your doctor

  13. I am sure you look beautiful! So dont worry about that.. OKAY! As far as thinking about doing something stupid, DONT EVER THINK OF DOING ANYTHING LIKE THAT, I CAN TELL YOU FIRST HAND THAT IT IS THE STUPIDEST THING TO EVER TRY TO DO!!! Some people just have busy minds. You can easily talk to your doctor about things. Some people have compulsive disorders were they have to do certain things or they are not satisfied. You could probably get on a similar medication to calm things down for you. As for bedtime, i used to have this same issue, have a little note pad next to your bed and write down anything that your are thinking about even if it sounds stupid. Insomnia ? I dont think you have that i think you are spending time thinking about so much stuff that you cant sleep, but on the bright side if you did have something like that there is medication for that to. Dont worry you wont have to take 50 million different kinds of medications. Just talk to your MD or maybe ask your parents if you can get a docotrs appointment. If they try to tell you that you dont need it,  sit them down and seriously tell them that you are not happy with the fact that you can sleep and the fact that you are always worrying about something. Tell them you need to talk to the doctor to see what they recommend. Good luck! Hang in there. There is so many things worse than this so please dont do anything stupid!!  

  14. Please, talk to your Mom,a Teacher, a Friends Mom, SOMEONE!. I have the same condition, it is called OCD. (obsessive compuslive disorder) knowing WHY we do the things we do is half the battle. you are not crazy though I know at times you feel as if your head is gonna spinn right off your shoulders,right?

    Please, get help for this very managable phobia. And please, let me know how you are doing.

  15. Sounds like you have a problem.

    WHAT IS IT.?

    You haev been worrying so much that you get attached to that feeling.When your happy you remeber about it and than you start to worry.Even when theres nothing to worry about you will look for a way to worry again because you miss that feeling.Your to young to be worrying righnow imagen when you get older your going to end up killing yourself stop worrying.

    What do you worry about?

    Is it really worth it?

    What do you win by worrying?

    There has to be a reason why you feel that.Your also creating stress stpo worrying.Someone your age should be out playing.

    Maybe you feel lonely maybe you say you dont have friends.Maybe you feel left out or dont feel loved.Even though alot of people tell you they do you dont believe them.People are there for you stop being so stuburn and hang out with yourfriends.Get a bestfriend or something come on not sleeping, not good

    You have an addiction...what? like you cant stop thinking!! you always thing about things your someone who thinkgs alot you think about things that other people wouldnt think about.Just go out and have fun stop thinking for a while youll feel like so good about yourself after trust me i know what you mean!

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