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someone here could explain the differences between Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses?




  1. Well, they are both Cults.

    One is based on a false book - the Book of Mormon

    the other is based on a false interpretation of the Bible.  

  2. Posted wiki below.  Enjoy.

    Both deny the Lordship of Christ.

  3. I'll try:

    The Jehovah's Witnesses founder was a man named Charles Taze Russell who in 1876 managed to publish in several religious magazines and formed his own Zion's Watch Tower & Herald (of Christ's Presence) in 1879 and the Zion's Watch Tower Society in 1881.  

    High lights:  JWs believe in Jehovah-God.  They believe that Jesus Christ was the Archangel Michael who died on the Cross and did not resurrect but was replaced by a Jesus Christ who is somehow the Son of God but less divine than God Himself.  They believed that only 144,000 would be chosen by Jehovah-God to be Saved.  This JW's teaching may now be passé since they now number in the millions worldwide!  Many of their beliefs and teachings become passé as time progresses.  JWs do not consider themselves a religion since they believe that all religions are of the devil.  Their doctrine is quite changeable and in a nutshell their doctrine will contradict whatever mainline Christian Religion teaches.  They are elitists in their belief that during the End Times their Jehovah-God will come down from Heaven and destroy all non-believers allowing them to live forever on Paradise on Earth.  Although they have now developed mass-amnesia they have predicted the End Times during countless occasions during their history with each prediction failing to come true.


    LDS (The Mormons) originated around 1827 when the Angel Moroni revealed to a seventeen year old Joseph Smith Jr. where the Book of Mormon could be found. The Angel Moroni also provided the means for the young Joseph to translate this book, written on plates of gold, into English.  It was also revealed to Joseph that God was displeased with all religions on Earth stating that they had become corrupt and that he wanted Joseph to found the True Religion based on Scripture and the Book of Mormon.  

    High lights:  Mormons (who prefer to be called Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ) believe in a God-head which encompasses the Divine Nature of God in three Divine Persons that are somehow one yet three.  (Don't hold this against them, as no one has yet been able to adequately define the Holy Trinity in a way that the mere mind of Man can comprehend.  No pun intended, this probably is just something we are not wired to grasp!). The Latter Day Saints adhere to a more conventional Christian belief than say the JWs with the major departure from mainline Christianity being (for one) their acceptance of "Another Gospel of Jesus Christ," namely the Book of Mormon.  

    At some point in history some people started calling them 'Mormons' to differentiate them from 'Christians,' since Latter Day Saints believe that the Angel Moroni rather than Jesus Christ revealed their religion to them (hence the pun: "Phony Moroni").  To clarify this Mormons are now known as:  Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter Day Saints (LDS for short).  


    Food for thought: If the nomenclature of 'Mormon' is to be used for the LDS would it not be fair as well to refer to JWs as 'Jehovists' rather than Christians?  In the JW system of belief Jesus Christ is merely the Son of their Jehovah-God and somehow less than God Himself.  


  4. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Bible is the word of God, and should be the source for all our beliefs.

    Mormons have rewritten the Bible into the Book of Mormon.

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