
I would die for that......?

by Guest59153  |  earlier

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i was on youtube and found this song and it was about trying to concieve and the process its is and how much it means to us women.

what do u think of it

its called

i would die for that.

by kellie coffey

it made me cry but i keep watching it over and over




  1. Yes I know how you feel...but dont depress yourself, it seems us women like to inflict emotional pain on ourselves, quit listening to it! lol Keep praying and babydust to you...  

  2. I just watched the video at work, thank goodness no one is in the office with me, I was tearing up bad. I just started ttc but I have PCOS and have so much fear that I wont be able to conceive even with medication. I think I will show the video to my husband so he can truly understand how much being a mother means to some women. This song and video truly captured how some women really feel. Good Luck and lots of baby dust to you!!!

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