
I would hope the Irish won't let all those immigrants in like the French, English, German, Dutch did?

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Ireland have any conservative republican types or is the Island full of liberals? As an Irish American, I'd like to someday retire in the old country, and to be honest - I have had my fill with all the racism, crime, and dealing / working with minorities my whole life. I'm just plain sick of people that aren't white. Asians are pretty cool, though. Major cities in America have become a bit of a cesspool. Please advise?




  1. I think the only reason n it is a good one is it would cause a war if they decided to close the doors.

  2. You can not be serious. You yourself, would be an emigre'. If I ran Ireland, I would not welcome bigots and idiots. I am not saying that you are one or both of those.

    Advice: Restructure your attitude, or not.

  3. well my only guess is that they need workers to shovel the horse manure around and do other work like disheashing and laundry, gargage pickups they make for great slave workers


  5. Ireland is much the same as the rest of the U.K old chap.

    Its infested with wave after wave of asylum seekers but I'm sure you'll be able to find one spot in sunny Ireland that isn't being eroded(yet)

  6. Interesting attitude on immigrants.  The Irish immigrants were a major player in the USA.  Your ancestors were probably in that group.  Or, you may even be a first generation immigrant.  Otherwise, you'd not be here.

    As far as the liberals running America-----where did you get that idea?  George W. and his fanatical Evangelical Christians have such a conservative influence in this country, it is pathetic.  They are trying to change our Laws and Constitution to suit their viewpoint.  They are trying to take away the freedoms of all religions, and ideas, that do not agree with them.  This election, we should get rid of alot of them.

    You are such a bigot, and gee zow!  I'd sure hate for you to touch anything, or anyone different, with your Lilly white hands.  I'd be afraid you'd touch me, and contaminate me.

  7. It's a fair opinion, but I see why it's unpopular. Of course Ireland has the 'conservative republican types'. There is always that terrible mistruth about immigrants 'stealing all our jobs', but it is, of course, ignorance on most part. People certainly didn't evaluate articles and government legislation to present with such a view as that, but it's something they hear from parents and opinionated peers.

    The fact is, within the EU, we can't stop this change. Urban areas will naturally become more and more ethnically diverse, as is evident already in Cork, Dublin and Limerick.

    However, as witnessed with the Normans (who invaded the island of Ireland before the Vikings and became 'more Irish than the Irish themselves'), the Polish (I believe) make up the highest non-national population in the country. What's great about the Polish people is that they are so like the Irish ourselves. They're fond of the oul' drop of drink here and there, and they equate post-famine Irish emigrants in America, with their strong, hard-working willingness to labour. Also, the Polish are reviving Irish Catholicism once more. Ireland now has the second highest mass attendance out of all religions in the whole of Europe, the highest being in Poland itself.

    I know the Brazilians have established themselves as a veritable nation within the townland of Gort, and are contributing greatly to the culture of the town.

    All in all, the rural areas are unaffected in the immigration boom. And nations are still choosing mainland European countries and the United Kingdom as their migration body of choice. As long as you refrain from more diverse areas such as Temple Bar, Ennis and Castlebar (and these are random areas I've selected, feel free to correct me), racism shouldn't be an issue.

    But honestly, these new cultures and nationalities don't bite! You shouldn't be afraid, we're a peaceful people!

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