
I would just like some advise on wat to do?

by  |  earlier

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I have been cutting since i was 11. I ddon'tknow why i got so low to do that but i did. i started because of sschooland all of tthosejocks that make fun of ppl. For some reason they hated me the most out of everyone. I was never a nerd or anything like that. but some one told me about cutting wen i was 11and then i got and i dea of doing it. it works and all but i would never cut too deep to die, but eenoughto feel the pain. eenoughto feel you screaming inside. i still do it today.




  1. you really need to get some help, cutting is from not being able to process your emotions.  I am not sure how old you are but, if you are still at home with a parent you need to tell them the situation.  This is nothing to be embarressed about but you do need to talk to someone professional.  You may not cut deep enough to kill, but it is still not healthy and you cna really hurt yourself.

  2. It sounds like you have a lot of problems that need to be worked out. I don't see what specifically you are asking advice for, but I'll guess it is how to stop. Well I suggest you go cold turkey, you probably know what that means. Stopping all together. And when ever you get the urge to cut distract yourself in any way possible. No, not by causing yourself pain in another method but call up a close friend who would be able to help, or keep a rubber band around your wrist to slap yourself with. One thing you will need to do is tell your parents and get a counselor. I would like to help more but that would require us to actually talk. So feel free to contact me at my email. Just click on my name to go to my profile and you'll be able to see it there.

  3. atention seeking by cutting get to the real problem your unhappy talk to your parents

  4. Simple solution. Tell your parents, get professional help. Most of all why not just sotp doing it. You control your own mind.

  5. Uhh, talk to your parents, your doctor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and anyone else that you feel close enough to talk to.

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