
I would just like the best sympathy available please?

by  |  earlier

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My hamster had 6 2 week old babies this morning. this afternoon one of them got strangled from the bedding. I want people to reassure me it's not my fault.

I don't mind nasty answers :)

I'm just sad and want sympathy :(




  1. Poor thing! One life lost. Well, these things, unfortunate as they are, do happen. But memories and times come and go, and it is very typical for a hamster to lose a baby every so often. Perhaps it wasn't strangled, maybe it just died because it was weak...

    I'm sorry for your loss, and God bless. ^-^

  2. I am so Sorry. i know how you feel my guinea pig had babies when I was nine and one died, and I still feel horrible because it was my fault. I cried at the vets for a looooong time. SO I think you are alowed to cry for a looooooong time too! Then if I could I would give you a great big hug and a thousand hershy chocolate bars!

  3. Well these things do happen =[

    Im sorry that it happened to you.

    but the mummy stioll has 5 other pretty babies to keep her busy with =]

    use a different bedding next time, like sawdust or carefresh

  4. its not ur fault

    my mom used to have hamsters and they had babies then she looked in the tank and thje mom bit the heads off imagine how my mom felt

  5. listen alot of thing happen and we cant control the fact is that god takes us when he wants us I just want you to know that in the short time it lived I bet it had a darn great life.

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