
I would just like to ask...?

by Guest66951  |  earlier

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why do people get so offended by someone asking a question?

People who feel the need to call someone an a*****e or a "little boy" are mentally inferior for not being able to see many different point of views.




  1. they are just obnoxious and ignorant... or they are having a hard dayy

  2. I find your mentally inferior question totally offensive.  

    You are obviously a child of many differing points of views.

    Stand up and embrace your inner a*****e.

  3. I've only been in Y&A for about 3 months, but have realized one truth.

    There are too many who hide behind their computer in anonymity and verbally assail and insult questions, for no apparent reason. Some start off with an opposing view but feel compelled to close it out on a "personal" level.

    And it's hard NOT to take it personal at times.

  4. and what exactly was your question here?

  5. Some people just like to blow a bunch of hot air. If they don't like a question, then they shouldn't answer...but, this is a place for opinions though. I guess some just like to throw an opinion out there whether it's welcome or not....Good luck sweetie. Take care & God bless!

  6. I think....Some only want to see things..Their Way ....It's their way or the highway and they don't want you tippin over their apple cart...BUT, The way you handle these types is ultimately going to decide who,  " The Little Boy Is"....only my opinion!....

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