
I would like 2 no?

by Guest44775  |  earlier

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can someone tell me how i can train a budgie and can u get budgies 2 talk




  1. There are several different methods of training the bird. One you can pick him/her up and hold her inside your closed hand so she can calm down. Once she is calm let her down and tire her out by slowly trying to get her to sit on your opened hand. Do this several times a day and once she gets a little used to you have her sit on your shoulder and chill there for a while while you watch a tv show! The other method is to slowly approach her with the perch in her cage, then when she gets used to that have her get on your hand. Then practice getting her on your hand and out of the cage door. Do each step thoroughly.For the talking part...the answer is yes you can train a budgie to talk. It is best if there are no other budgies caged with her and you should also remove any mirrors.Keep repeating the same word over and over and  over. It is best to do this in the morning when she just woke up. Start with an easy word.Good luck with your friend! you will be best friends in no time!!!

  2. Yes.  First tame the budgie. Lock it with yourself in a small room with very little furniture (so the bird won't hurt itself) Quietly chase it around the room with a snack, until it is tired, and sits on your finger. Never grab the bird from or over its back. (it will get a heart attack)  From now on, patiently and daily, handle the bird, talk and sing to it.  A long process!

    Good Luck.

  3. Yes wiseman is right about the training - gentle and patient! It will take a while! They can talk, as long as you talk to them often, but their voices are not as clear as other parrots so it's harder to understand them once they do learn. It's pretty cute when they talk to themselves (as budgies are wont to do) and throw in a few people words just for good measure.
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