
I would like a battery-powered HEAT alarm. Can anyone recommend one?

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I have to have a 135-degree heat alarm near my furnace (requirement for foster-parenting.) I would REALLY like a battery-powered unit, but all I see are 120v AC. Can someone recommend a battery powered heat alarm to me? Thanks !!!

By the way - I have read other answers, and I know many people say that a heat alarm is not needed in a home. That could be true, but I need to comply with the agency's requirements.




  1. Is this something like a smoke alarm, or...?

    I've never heard of a heat alarm, sorry.

  2. I don't even know what that is.  I've never heard of that as a requirement.  Are you talking about something that alerts you if the heat in your house is above 135?  I'd think you'd be aware of it long before then, lol.  So, I'm assuming I'm wrong about what the alarm is for, and what it measures, and why.

    I agree, this should probably be in the electronics section.  Even though it's a requirement for fostering (weird, but ok), it doesn't seem to be commonly required, so we probably can't help you here.

  3. You might want to check with your foster care program if they will even allow a batter operated unit.  They may require it to be wired so that there isn't a chance for the batteries to die out.  

    I've found a few that have battery back-up but I didn't find one that was solely battery operated.

    These links may help:

    Good luck.

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