
I would like a child ? ! ? ! ? !?

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I know that i shouldnt want a child right at this stage in life but lately i have been getting an urge. Im 15 turning 16 this year and i absolutely love children, no matter what age they are or anything. When ever im around them they just bring happiness towards me. I baby sit my friends nephews and my other friends children i help look after as well. Im great with children and love to just be around them.

Is there any suggestions that you would like to put forward to me? Any would do.

Thanks heaps





  1. u have ur whole entire life to get pregnet

    dont do it too soon

  2. Work at a daycare!!! you should be happy :) if you don't think that's enough with the whole babysitting also, well then i'd think your obsessive.

  3. Well for starters don't get pregnant. You should take some child development courses at your high school to see how to really take care of a baby/child.

  4. You are only 16 and you want a child.  Think you need to finish school before you think about having a child.

  5. Please wait!  There is so much of your life that you have to live and so many things that having a child would hinder you from experiencing.  Enjoy your is gone before you know it.  Wait to have kids...they will be just as exciting when you are older.

    Edit:  Baby sitting is a good way to be around kids and not have them for your own.

  6. stay away from babies, and think of getting up 3 times a night and having a baby at this time in your life would take away your teenage years, babies are adorable but think twice or babysit

  7. Do you have a full time job, how you are going to support the baby if the baby 's father broke up with you and your family is not willing to help you?  

    Playing with kids is easy, having to take care of your own kid is not that easy as you think.

  8. if i were u, i would volunteer to work at a daycare center or something like that. u can also offer babysitting services too ^^

    there's also programs out there that allows u to act as a sibling or guardian of a child for a period of time

    im not sure if u school offers it but my high school allow the students to take care of students at a preschool as a 1 period class.

    i hope that helps =)

  9. you should work at a day care that way you get to see the kids daily and you spend a lot of time with them

    they grow on you

    if you can't work there cause your too young, don't be discouraged i bet they will let you volunteer

    good luck


  10. Babysit as often as you can.  That will help with that urge.  Get close to some children and develop a relationship that way.  The parents will appreciate the trustworthy babysitting and you will get to satisify your urges without actually becoming a mother until you're a grown up.  

    Volunteer at hospitals on the childrens floor, or at community functions.  Sounds like you will be a fabulous mom when the time is right.

  11. its a lot differ when you watch a child and have to raise one your wat to young you gonna get a job and a car and go t school you have your whole life aheadofyou live life baby making will always be there you need to be in a good an healthy relationship wait wait your just a child we dont need children raising children

  12. Seriously hun, your really too young to have children yet! I'm 26 and I had my 1st when I was 24 and I felt too young then! I still hadn't really lived my life at that age even! (baby was an accident). I have 2 boys now. I love them both to death, but they are really hard work! Life gets a lot more complicated when you have children. Normal things are so much harder to do, like going to the movies, out for dinner, etc. you can't be places too late at night if you have them coz they need to be in bed early, just stuff like that. Seriously, wait till you married to the man you love and your both ready and mature enough to start a family.

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