
I would like advice on getting pregnant........?

by  |  earlier

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We have been trying for 6 months (I know that isn't long but we had a break for about 10 months as we were planning wedding and didn't want to be preggers when I got married, sounds selfish but had already bought my dress, so no smart comments thanks). I know I ovulate as I get the EWCM (majority of you will know what that is) and we make love every other day during this time from about day 10 but not consciously counting days. I always stay in bed afterwards for at least 30 minutes and again I don't count the minutes. I am doing what people say and not trying to think about it but how can you do this when every time you make love you think "ooh this could be it" and then went Aunt Flo arrives you get dissappointed. The only reason I am asking for advice is that my hubbie has just turned 50 and I would like him to be able to run around with the child/ren. I have been checked i.e ovulating blood test and also scanned int/ext for endometriosis which was negative. Hubbie has also been checked and is producing excellent tadpoles although some are slow swimmers. Some really helpful tips would be greatly appreciated and please don't just say "stop trying and it will happen" cause its rubbish.




  1. I understand how you are feeling and your frustration with people telling you to not think about it or stop trying.  That is virtually impossible when you want something so bad!  When my husband and I were trying to conceive, our doctor told us that he should drink caffiene about half an hour before we had s*x.  Caffiene causes the little tadpoles to stand at attention, for lack of a better explanation, so my husband would drink a coffee half hour or so before we got into bed at night.  My doctor also recommended that while laying in bed afterwards, place a pillow under your hips to elevate then which will tilt everything upwards and help those little swimmers make their journey.

    Hope some of this helps.  Good luck!

  2. Well if you "stop trying" nothing will happen, so try harder. As you said everything is fine with both of you and you have your regular periods then there is nothing to worry about. Try to change positions while making love, sometimes it really helps. Change the timings as well, some people who make love very early in the morning get pregnant faster.

    Relax more, if you have a busy lifestyle then most probably it is great to have some time for yourself and enjoy some fresh air.

    Both of you should have a good diet with lots of vegetables!

    Good luck!


  3. Your last comment ...'don't try and it will happen' being rubbish is so wrong. It is a proved fact that when you are trying too hard , the stress can hamper getting pregnant. As you said, 6 month is not a long time to ttc, doctors wont do anything until at least a year. I tried for about 18 months and ended up going to an acupuncturist to get my periods, (mind you, I had to drink a daily dose of what tasted like stagnant pond water made from bark  and dried herbs)what a difference that made. I fell 2 months later. Whether that was due to the acupuncture just nature I dont know but it worked

  4. Since your hubby is 50, it would probably be beneficial to see a fertility specialist, especially if you are over 35.  Good luck!

  5. i think you are having s*x too frequently.

    buy a fertility kit / basal body thermometer and have s*x on your most fertile days.  

    i agree you should have your husband tested.  you didn't say how old you were.

    it doesn't hurt to go on vacation

    good luck

    -mom of three

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