
I would like advice on wat to do....?

by  |  earlier

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i have been cutting since i was 11. I ddon'tknow why i got so low to do that but i did. i started because of sschooland all of tthosejocks that make fun of ppl. For some reason they hated me the most out of everyone. I was never a nerd or anything like that. but some one told me about cutting wen i was 11and then i got and i dea of doing it. it works and all but i would never cut too deep to die, but eenoughto feel the pain. eenoughto feel you screaming inside. i still do it today. How do i stop or wat is another way of releaseing anger and sadness? o and im 19




  1. I'm sorry that your hurting so much.  Can you speak to your folks about it?  If not a teacher, counselor, big sister.  I think that seeing a  health care professional is in order.  Always remember that those who try and hurt others aren't  happy with themselves.  Don't take what they say personally.  Good luck sweetie.

  2. u need to get some help right now! dont worry about those jerks who r mean to u. they're just jealous. talk to ur parents/guardians about this and they will get you some help. plz! tell them or else it could get too serious

  3. First of all, just stop cutting.

    And when you feel overwhelming anger or sadness, let it out. It's okay. . . tell people how you feel, and if you wanna cry, just cry.

    But if you've gone 8 years and this is the first time you've said something, then I urge you, please stop as soon as possible!! It's not good for you physically or emotionally.

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