
I would like as much details as possible regarding the sarracenia plant.

by Guest57381  |  earlier

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Can anyone help by giving me as much information as possible regarding the sarracenia plant. I have recently purchased one from a garden centre and would like information such as places to keep them, watering and repotting etc. I hope someone can help as I wish to purchase a venius flycatcher.

Thanks to all the intellengent gardens out there.

Rosemary - 07957486718




  1. Sarracenia is an insectivorous plant, with several speicies. Pitcher Plant and Venus Fly Catcher are the most common. Here is everything you might want to know that is listed in my book:

    Grow in full pots or terrarium with very acid mix (pH4.0-4.5)

    contraining equial parts of peat moss and washed sharp sand.

    Propigate by rhizome cuttings or seed.

    Avoid direct scorching sun. Provide shade when temperature exceeds 90 degrees F. Best winter minimum temp is 32 degrees F. Long periods above 60 degrees F break dormancy, resultsing in weaker growth next season.

    Water with distilled water or soft rain water to avoid damaging lime contamination. Maintain moist soil spring through fall by setting container in 1/2-1 inch soft lime free distilled water. Let soil become partly dry  during winter dormancy. Carefully clip out old discolored leaves. DO NOT FERTILIZE especially if you can alternatively move plant to well shaded area in a warm weather. Some do not develop correctly if well-nourished (weird huh?). Adding chemicals  may also damage sensitive plant tissues.

    The Guide to Gardening

    How to Grow Stunning Roses

    Growing Houseplants

  2. Some Sarracenia are hardy and can live outdoors in the UK - I have some which have overwintered the past 3 winters, usually not dieing back, though they may sometimes lose their leaves down to the roots and regrow in spring time.  I live in the midlands, where we get quite a few freezes each year.  If you can check which variety of plant that you have, to ensure it's hardy, this will help. The others can be protected with some mulch, or some garden fleece, which keeps the temperature higher.  If you have any charcoal, you can add this to the potting mix, as it helps keep the water 'sweeter', though most of my new ones are fine without it, until I repot thm.

    Never feed them, as they need to get their fertiliser from insects which get attracted to their pitchers, and then dissolve in the juices that the plant secretes there.  Their main need is to recreate the boggy conditions that they naturally live in - so leave them standing in water, preferably rain water.

    Mine stands in partial sun,  in the same spot all year, getting dappled afternoon sun.  They don't need repotting much, though if you do need to I just use peat with a little sand or vermiculite (sterile material that absorbs water) - peat doesn't really contain much nutrients, so is ideal.  Generally a smallish pot is good, and you may find some moss growing occasionally on the surface, due to the standing water - don't worry too much, though you can remove this.

    Rosemary - also please be careful about posting your phone no, as it could result in a warning against your account, or unwanted phone calls etc.

    Venus flytraps are a little more sensitive than Sarracenias,  and should never have their traps set except by flies, as this can weaken them.  Keep them above freezing in winter, though they will likely die down, losing most of their leaves and traps.  Again, never feed them, like the Sarracenias, and give them bright filtered light, and tons of humidity - you can use a terrarium for this, which traps the water evaporating from the soil.  Keep them standing in water - always use rain water, avoiding tap water, as with Sarracenias.

    Hope this helps, and contact me if you'd like any further tips.  Good luck!  Rob

  3. Do not fertilize it. Only water with rain water and keep in an unheated greenhouse over winter.

    Why have you posted what I assume to be your mobile telephone number, there are some funny people on the internet!

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