
I would like easy instructions on how geocaching works?

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All the websites confuse me! I would also like pointers on good gps devices that would not be too expensive. Any info about geocaching that i might need to know would be appreciated.




  1. 1.  Buy a bunch of tiny toys and knicknaks.

    2.  Go to the geocaching website.

    3.  Go to the places near where you live that the geocaching website talks about and look for the little caches.

    4.  Replace the toys that are there with the toys that you bought, and scribble a little note for the next searcher.

    No gps device required.  The website, at least for my area, describes the locations too well -- just be familiar with the area, and yoyu'll find 'em.

  2. Go to and read up on it.  I prefer a Garmin GPS handheld b/c it can link directly to and download waypoints (where the geocaches are) from the geocaching website.  Go to a hunting store to check out the GPS--recreational GPSs came out of the sport of hunting.

    Geocaching for Dummies is a wonderful book that breaks down the lingo.  I recommend a geocaching bag--keep paper, pens, band-aids, insect repellent, extra batteries, etc in it.

    Geocaching is really, really fun.  It's basically a scavenger hunt for adults that takes you everywhere.

    Some lingo:

    FTF:  first to find a newly planted geocache

    TFTH:  Thanks for the hunt

    TFTC:  Thanks for the cache.

    Travel Bug:  An item a fellow geocacher has targeted to travel from cache to cache.  For instance, say you have a Hot Wheels toy Jeep.  You buy a dogtag-like metal object (from ebay or geocaching vender) to attach to the toy jeep.  The metal object has a unique number that you register with so you can track it.  Plant the jeep and the metal tag in a geocache and another geocacher will p/u and take it to another cache, possibly in another state. will notify you when your travel bug is moved and who did it.

    Hope it helps.

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