
I would like opinions and critism on my theory for Utopia?

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My ideal government is not yet feasible due to current technology restraints, but within 100 years I believe it may be possible.

My ideal government all starts with Education, as a Perfect society can not be created without a vastly different education system than we have now.

Education begins shortly after birth. With the parents playing the primary educators until the age of 5. From there until the Age of 10 they receive graduated implants of information in Language skills and Mathematics up the the level of first year university students. This is to get the basics covered early, as they are critical to further learning, but in themselves provide no major benefits (This will continue until the age of 25 when they know how to solve any math problem they are confronted with and have the Lexicon and language skills to speak fluently and eloquently in Any and All Languages).




  1. The bit about "subliminal messages" is VERY disturbing to me.

    Children would be programmed to fit into society and from some point of view, that may be a good thing but the institutionalized programming of the nations youth is NOT a good idea.

    The concept of central planning and central control is the same sort of mess that got the old U.S.S.R. the second Russian revolution.

    Even if its not very efficient,  there needs to be a considerable level of local autonomy and control in order to have a stable society.

  2. c**p.

  3. So what happens when all this technolgy gets a simple computer virus. Further if your society depends on hooking people up to implants what is to prevent the person whose job it is to do this from rewriting the program to say they are god. Your society is even worse than 1984 and way more scary which I did not think was possible. That said though I do give you props for being thorough and being creative.

  4. I can give you Utopia tomorrow, but most people won't like it.

    Or be here to enjoy it.

  5. well.....that what happens in most scaniroes howveer i don't agree with it I agree our edcation system need to be redone but not like that we should assign a person a trade from birth right from the hospitial and that trade is taught until the age of 19 when the person enters the workforce they would go to specialized schools on their givin trade...This would ensheur that every1 has a bright and prprous fetuer however these school would use exclarted learning methods not the kind you talk of using but speicalized forms of learing and surronding the child in the stuff ofrom their givin trade from birth and by the time they reanch 19 they will have a Unversty Docteran all paid for by the goverment of corse. No matter who visions we use we have to overhall the school systems in their current orginsation there failing the stuff we teach in High school 70% of it is froggten by the age of 30 so the current system is meanless.......I think that we could mabey use the system i suggested until the tecknology becomes advable for yours either way we have to act.

  6. I don't agree with your theory on Utopia because...well... I think Utopia is an opinion. Basically Utopia is different for everyone. For example, the Utopia for my dad might be to have a world of cooking, or for my friend Adam that schools will be closed and all teachers will be burned at the stake. Or mine would be that I'm the unquestionable dictator of the world. It just depends on what you think Utopia is. So the theory isn't necessarily wrong but it just depends who's Utopia it is. I SUPPORT WORLD DOMINATION!

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