
I would like opinions on the stock market?

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please answer without resorting to name calling and finger pointing just straight answers from your own thoughts..

first - the stock market SEEMS more and more like a betting parlor for business, subject to the same kind of manipulation that has happened in sports betting (fixed games and the like) not really a question but the way I see it with no real education as to how it works.

second - Does it seems as if the Stock Market is inherently unstabble and subject to collapse given the right circumstances. Also is there a "stop button" in case a run away sell off happened




  1. the stock market has different grades of risk and you can chose accordingly.  Some people gamble, others speculate, and others invest.  There is something for everybody.  

    anything given the right circumstances can collapse the stock market can collapse . . .the us dollar can collapse too.  The stock market is not inherently unstable, it is just volatile.  As time goes on it should go higher, just the path it takes is unknown.

  2. 1.  The stock market is an investment tool that does carry a small risk.  Now if you are trading in options or commodities its all a gamble but the payoffs are unlimited.

    2.  There is not a STOP button to stop a runnoff.  If a stock is tanking, it will continue to tank untill people feel its a great buy.  Good luck, and stick with the blue chippers.

  3. First - it seems like a betting parlor to the unknowing, but once when they educate themselves about it they feel differently.  The securities industry is one of the most regulated industries in the country.  There is education about the markets, the securities traded in the markets and the mechanics on how the market works,

    Most people that really want to learn always find the information that helps them

    Second.  There no way the market is inherently unstable nor subject to collapse.  There many "stop buttons" in place, and regulators, firms and individuals use them,

    The market is not bad enough to keep pension plans, retirements plans from investing in it.

    It's not bad enough to prevent all Governments from depending on it for the distribution of the debt or as a source for raising capital

    It's sad that there are many people that don't understand the market, but it's pathetic that there are individuals like you that try to denigrate something they know nothing about, nor took the time to try to understand it or familiarize themselves with its importance.

    The truth always hurts, especially for those that can not accept criticism,  Your question received a just response based on experience, the later comment is in response to the manner in which you phrased your comments.

  4. Anything will collapse given the right circumstances!!

  5. It is subject to manipulation in the short term, but in the long term 6 months to 12 months, there are clear winners and losers.  If you invest in financials you are clearly gambling.

    It is inherently unstable, because of human emotion.

    There is a stop button there are electronic controls to keep the market from collapsing.

  6. I have enjoyed stock market investing for 30 years.  Today, your criticisms seem to have merit!  Large down day.  But, if you will renounce sports trivia, if it applies, and focus on reading finance materials instead you will find a new world.  The stock markets like any business enterprise has some "bad apples" in it.  But, all doctors are not honest. Still I trust my medical expert.  I imagine most doctors are honest to very honest.  With advent of discount brokers you have more self control over your buy and sell decisions.  You will make mistakes and you will also have a big winner based on good news that breaks on one of your stocks from an unexpected buyout by a larger company.  No, I don't compare stock market trading and/or investing to gambling.  I think most experience investors and traders would tell you a similar story.  I hope you change your view about the stock market. Sometimes, a professor in a liberal arts school will indoctrinate students to think capitalism is an evil.  Don't you accept that bunk.  You can dismiss my comments; but, please don't close your mind to the stock market.  You will make a lot friends along the long trail of your market involvement.

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