
I would like peoples opinions on...?

by  |  earlier

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My face, as in is it fat or flat? some girl keeps obsessing how fat and flat it looks.. im not asking for people to tell me if im pretty or ugly, but seeing as other people ask people for views on their looks, i thought i would too,, well its sort of looks,, thanks for your time .. be honest.. if i have a flat and fat face please tell me.. as this girl keeps telling me and saying eeew,,




  1. im 16 an u look pretty good to me

  2. your face is niether fat or flat. your face is nice and oval-ish and i love your big blue eyes. your face looks perfectly fine to me. you should tell that other girl to get lost. :)

  3. Your face is not fat or flat.


  4. I don't think it is flat

  5. You are a very beautiful young woman I think we have a bad case of jealousy going on with with your nasty little friends; not fat, not flat just gorgeous.

  6. honestly! even tho you are not gona like this answer!

    but you rlly look good!

    i know u r looking 4 sum1 to support what you think! that ur face is flat and fat! but i rlly dont think so! u look rlly good! and nvr to mention ur eyes!

  7. Your really pretty. And, I dunno about this fat or flat thing, but I think you look very nice.

  8. You're neither fat or flat -- you're adorable.

  9. neither fat, nor flat. It's a nice shape and perfectly formed.

  10. no no noo way neither flat or fat you dont need to worry and yes i am gonna tell you, you are pretty so no worries

  11. pretty normal to me

  12. you no where near have a flat or fat face! :O

    prettyy ^__^


  13. why do u have worries...its clear how beautiful u are...look at ur eyes, they are wonderful. but i know that sometimes even the most beautiful girls can have doubts on their looks. kisses

  14. you look normal.

  15. It's really nicely shaped, actually, besides your chin is a little pointy, but you're definently very pretty.

  16. Attention Seeker  

  17. its look fine..dont worry lol your have really big n pretty eyes lol

  18. Your face is absolutely fine! That girl's an envious b*tch! Tell her off and ignore her!

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