
I would like "everyone that believes in god" to answer this question?

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do you believe that the bible is the true and infallible word of god and that everything that is written in the bible is true?


do you believe in god and for the most part the bible true but it is merely written up with stories ?




  1. No, no and no!

  2. Hi there....

    I am a Christian and believe in God as an omnipotent Creator.

    The bible was written by many men, with varying beliefs, in different languages, over many hundreds of years much of it second or third hand.

    The content of the bible itself was agreed upon by humans at the Council of Nicea in the 4th century.

    I never criticise those who do believe it to be the infallible word of God but I simply dont see it that way.

    The bible, in my opinion, is largely allegorical and in fact was viewed that way until the 18th century when a more literalist approach took hold which we are seeing today.


  3. I believe in God and I believe that the hole bible is true. I also know that no two people are going to see the bible in the same way. I believe that we each should pray and ask God to give us the understanding. Thru him we can do anything even understand the bible.

  4. Yes,I believe in GOD ,absolutely.

  5. I believe the Bible to be true. Full of stories of men and women who have made mistakes before God...

  6. I believe in the true, infallible Word of God.  

  7. I'm a Deist and believe the consciousness of the entire universe is God. You pose this question in such a single minded way. I do not believe the BS in the Bible and yes, I have read it.

  8. I believe in the true Word of God. I just don't always believe the interpretations of that.

  9. i know bible is symbol to u ..but shall i say one thing .MUSLIMS believe in all th book that were sent by god that was ur bible and they believe in ur bible also BUT the thing happened is over the years bible was changed due to some of them wrote false theories about it .....And the amazing thing is that there are many scriptures written the same in bible and the Quran .......IN Quran it was told that from the day when the quran is reveilled till the day the earth will end not a single word will change .....that is why our main book is the quran ..........I hope i explained that bible consist of good things but they are not the same as they were revieled  

  10. The word of God is perfect n it's truth.

    The Bible is not meant to be God but is a tool to know God.

  11. The Bible is the infallible word of God. Don't beleive those who say it has contradictions.

  12. You are missing the point. You are still asking whether the Bible is true or not true. This is what trips up the atheist. When you were a child and your mother or father told you to do something, you didn't question whether it was true or not true. You did what they said because you knew it was for the better. Stop thinking about the truth and validity of it. There's not a religion in the world that is purely logical and rational. But I will tell you this: I've made many great changes in my life by becoming slightly irrational in my thinking. These changes aren't "crazy Christian" changes. These are actual changes that have improved my life for the better and all people around me, both Christians and non-believers, see it and know that the changes are good. So in short, be a little irrational sometimes, otherwise you are going to have a boring and soul-less life that is only based on scientific reasoning and materialism. Find out who you are. Find your soul. Find what makes you tick. But for God's anything but try to rationalize the Bible especially as a non-believer. I hope this helped a little. God Bless!   :)

  13. I believe in the Bible as originally written. I believe that not all of it was meant literally but there are spiritual lessons in virtually every verse, even if they are a bit obscure today. The Bible was meant for an earlier stage in mankind's development. That is why we have the Baha'i Faith and scriptures to turn to now.

    Time for world peace? Time for the Baha'i Faith!

  14. I believe the Bible is God's Word and is the only way we can know Him.  While I recognize the possibility exists that the passing of time and human translational error could have occurred, I reject it because I have total faith in God that He would not keep His children in the dark.

  15. The Bible’s not like a novel, it's not a history book, - it’s a collection of many different stories, in many different literary genres (the Creation for instance is an allegory) written by a wide variety of authors (40 are known), each with a unique geo-political background and motive for writing.

    You have to understand the meaning of each passage in the context of all of that. Scholars throughout the centuries have done this already. I have 5 major commentaries and greek and hebrew dictionaries, 2 bible dictionaries, 1 concordance and all the major theologians. I don't believe in the inherency of scripture.

  16. The Holy Bible is God's word, and is true and reliable.

  17. fairy tale.

  18. i  do not  as  i'm  not a xian!

  19. You don't have to believe in the Bible to believe in some kind of God.

    Hindus believe in God in their own way.  They don't use the Bible.

    Jews believe in G-d.  They follow what constitutes the original version of the Old Testament, or part of it, but not the whole Christian Bible.

    Buddhists sometimes believe in God, but they don't use the Bible.

    Muslims believe in the God of the Bible but they believe the Bible is corrupted by human beings.

    Some people are completely generic and/or personal about their belief in God and they don't let a book dictate that belief.

  20. God is 100% TRUTH AND SO IS HIS WORD.

  21. I believe Genesis through Deuteronomy as God gave it to Moses is the true and Infallible word of God. I believe the prophets elaborated on this as God led them. For the most part I believe the N.T. is accurate but should be considered as commentary.  Problems arise when people declare the whole Bible to be the "infallible word of God" and then interpret the N.T. in such a way that it contradicts the word of God found in Gen.- Deut. and also contradicts the prophets.


    According to Deut 29:25-29 (also 28:64) if the children of Israel turn away from the covenant God made with them He will scatter them among the nations.   According to Deut 30:1-8   when the children of Israel return to God and obey his voice according to all He had commanded them (V2)  He will regather them and circumcise their hearts (v6).   Isaiah(10:20-22) understood this, Hosea(1:9-11) understood this, Ezekiel(36:19-22) understood this, and Jeremiah prophesied that God would make a new covenant with both the house of Judah and the house of Israel (31:31) and that Gods law would be written in their hearts.   Because Christianity has elevated the N.T. writings to the level of (or above?) the "word of God" N.T. references to the new covenant have been understood in a way that contradicts both the word of God and the prophets..  I do not believe this was what the N.T. writers intended.  

  22. I believe the bible is 7% history and 93% fiction.

  23. I believe that Bible is 2000 yrs old fairy tale

  24. not every1 who beleives in god is a christian  u no?

  25. I believe in God.  I believe none of the Bible is the word of God.

    Not everyone who believes in God is Christian, you know.

  26. Ps. 138:2: “For You have magnified Your word above all Your name.”

    God’s Word is His communication, His promise, the revelation of Himself to His people. It is to be a lamp to our feet in a dark and fallen world, without it we would have no way to know God or how to do God’s will. Throughout scripture we have a consistent theme of the dichotomy of light versus darkness. The world we live in is darkness reserved for judgment. John the apostle in 1 John 1:5 tells us God is light. Light is God’s very nature, it represents to us Holiness and perfection. This is why we often read that a physical manifestation of God ‘s glory is light or fire. Sin is associated with darkness and judgment. It implies imperfection, and principally ignorance, sinfulness, and misery.

    The Psalmist asks Ps 119:9 “How can a young man cleanse his way? He answers, “By taking heed according to Your Word. Just a few more verses later v:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.” God's word keeps us from sin and keeps us on his path, as the Word  is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Ps.119:105) in a dark world.

    Ps. 43:3 Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me. From reading the  psalms one grasps the importance of the Word to the the people of Israel, especially the leaders.

    To disregard God’s Word that is holy, pure and absolutely true is to defame God’s name and character. It is to bring ruin upon our walk. So it becomes the main focus point in our daily walk with Christ.

  27. Not all theists are Christians, y'know...

  28. Definitely the second one!!

    I think that the stories in the bible are good and true allegories for guidance. The problem that I have with it is that ANYTHING left in the hands of mankind is going to be tampered with, that is just the way we are......look at what happened with the tree in the garden.   God gives us freedom to do what we will He doesn't guard us from failing because that is part of the learning process.

    (Besides all of this, HE NEVER said that the bible was HIS un-erring word, or the likes of which could never be tampered with.)

    God Bless!

  29. The Bible is mosly stories and history also are included letters and dreams. The distortion of Christianity was corrected by the coming of Islam and the revelation of the Holy Quran.

  30. YOU ASKED:

    do you believe that the bible is the true and infallible word of god and that everything that is written in the bible is true?

    The Tanakh is the true words of G-d, as he gave them to Moses.  Of course everything written in the Tanakh is true.



    do you believe in god and for the most part the bible true but it is merely written up with stories ?

    As an Orthodox Jew, I believe that G-d is G-d, and humans are human, and G-d does not become human, and humans do not become G-d.

    In otherwords, He made the world, and on the 6th day he created man.  That was it.  No other G-d.  Some people believe that JC is G-d, but that goes against all written Torah.

  31. True and infallible Word of God.

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