
I would like some historical information on how a street in Assisi, Italy got its name/ rue Fontabella?

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Fontabella is a family name. However, I have not been able to trace this name. Fontabella was the name given to my grandfather, his adoptive parents let him keep his name. My cousin will be traveling to Assisi this summer where there is a street named Fontabella and Hotel Fontabella. Hopefully we will find some information.




  1. Rue is street in French,but Fontebella means "Beautiful Fountain" in Italian.Hotel Fontebella is located on the street of the same name"Fontebella. The spelling is Fontebella,not Fontabella.It was not uncommon for the Latino people to name their children after towns and other things.

  2. I'm so sorry but I can't help you....I'm Italian and I've looked for it but I've just known that the right name is Fontebella and not maybe you made a mistake in writing it now or somebody made a mistake in the trascription that was done the first time that they wrote you're father's name...

    Anyway.....the information you've got are true....there is a street and a hotel called in this way but the hotel's name comes from the street's name....

    maybe you could try to contact it by e-mail asking someone who is the person whose dedicated the street....try.....maybe you'll find out something else!

    byeeeeeeeeee ^_^

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