
I would like some honest opinions on this?

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Do you think that other parents are way too critical of each other? Why or why not?




  1. More so on this forum than in real life.  I am acquainted with a large number of other parents through various organizations and activities and I do not see the level of criticism with any of them as I do here on YA.  I believe this is due to the fact that people feel they can say whatever they want and they don't have to deal with the repercussions of hurt feelings. Not every one here is that way, but so many are.

  2. We have have our opinions on how to raise a child right, so when we see others doing the opposite of what we feel is right, we tend start laying down judgments and thinking these aren't good parents when we really don't know them.

  3. Unless it is constructive criticism, I think people are critical of others (in any situation) when they themselves do not feel secure.  

  4. Yes, I do.  Every kid is different, and each parent is different as well.  As moms & dads, we all bring different experiences to the parenting table.  Unless another parent has walked in your shoes - with your past, your family, and your kids - any 'constructive criticism' just comes out as a negative.

    I try to remember that I'm not perfect either, but if someone asks for my parenting opinion I preface any comments by first saying, "This is what works for me".  Then again, I'm a better parent than you - ha, ha.

  5. I believe people period are to critical of others.  So many have this, "if it isn't my way then it's wrong" mentality.  Too many people are always trying to change some one else and not looking at themselves first.  Asked for advice or opinions are great, but only if you don't "beat" others over the head with them.

    My opinion..."Make sure your own back porch is cleaned off before you come snoopin' around mine."

    We all are not the same, therefore, we will all do things different.

  6. OMG! Yes they are! I have a neighbor that was scolding me cause I didn't breatfeed my daughter and was telling me how she breastfed all of her kids and so forth...and while she is telling me this she is drinking a big *** cup of rum and coke and then says. i'll be right back, i have to feed the baby....OMG I couldn't believe that she had "happy hour" every night at her house while breastfeeding her kids and she was putting me down for not breast feeding at all!!!!!

  7. The only person I would ever be critical of is the one who neglects the child in any way, shape or form. The truth is there are people who should have never been a parent. But if the child is healthy, happy and well mannered what is there to talk about? Each person has their way of raising and as long as it is healthy for the child don't attack another in their parenting.

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