
I would like some ideas please?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to hear from anyone who has some helpful ideas. I was accepted for an overseas study program in May, and it takes place in November... but, the trouble is that I need to raise the money. i have a full time job and haven't had any luck finding an extra part time job. Some people suggested mowing lawns or washing cars... and I think that's a great idea.

What I would like to know is how much money could I hope to raise by the end of November?

I would like to have a car wash, but every time I've done that, it's always been to raise money for a group, for example, we did that one year for drama. This is to raise money for me as an individual. I would like to know HOW to do it, logistics-wise?

If anyone has additional ideas then they are welcome! This really means a lot to me! Thank you!




  1. Its still summer over here and i'm making like $10 a day just to be online at my computer. I already recived my check for $20 today in paypal. ALl you need is a free paypal account which you can get at

    and  go here...

    alll you do is answer surveys and adds and they give you like .25-.$10 for the stuff you do. Its also instand cashout. Once you get the money cashout and in a day or so you will get it in your paypal. Paypal can also tranfer money to a bank account if you have one.

    Its a nice way to make quick cash and it works wonders.

    Add me as a contact and go to my forum I will be updating it soon with a list of all the sites that will help you make quick cash.


  2. First off, ignore all of the snakes that leave get rich quick websites as answers. And it is nearly impossible to forcast exactly how much you can make, until you find something that people will pay you for. If this is a college study program, then this one is probably pretty easy; go talk to someone in your financial aid office. If it is for higher educations you can usually get financing pretty easily.

    If you are high school age, I would recommend applying at some local fast food restaurants. They are usually in need of help and offer flexible schedules. If that doesn't work, I would say go door to door in your neighborhood and tell your neighbors your situation. Ask them if they have lawns that need mowing, gardens that need weeding, leaves that need raking, or snow that needs shoveling (depending on where you live). Be up front that you need it for a study program. I think you'll find your neighbors eager to help. Hope this helps. Good luck.  

  3. In March I received a flier from a local girl looking to raise money to fund her participation in a pageant for a scholarship to college. Her plan was to have people collect their returnable bottles and cans and save them for her. We pay a deposit when we purchase soda, beer and a few other beverages in bottles and cans. She requested that we put them in a bag next to our recycling bins at the curb and she would come around and collect them.

    I saw her one morning with who I assume was her father, in a pickup truck loaded with bags of bottles and cans. It looked like she was doing very well. I really don't purchase too many returnable container beverages, so I gave her $50 in cash because it was a real pageant and I was able to verify through the local High School that she was indeed a participant.

    I'm not sure if that will work for you, but it is a fairly unique way to raise some cash for a good cause. What made it work so well for her is that she did not ask people to bring the bags to her, like a typical can drive. She was willing to do all the work for the profit. She was simply asking people to make a slight change to their routine by placing the bag, which they probably already had anyway, next to their recycling bin instead of dragging it to the store and taking the time to process the bottles through the machines. She made it EASY to do what she was asking.


  4. Put up information: posters,signs,etc. telling everyone your reason for the car wash and for mowing the lawn. There are people willing to help those who help themselves. How much money you make depends on how fast and good you are at both washing cars and mowing lawns. Good luck!

  5. How about having a garage sale?  You could probably run a small add (sometimes they are free) and ask for donated items or sell items for other people and take a cut.  You might even enlist a dance group (belly dancers) for an hour to bring interest to the sale.  Lot's of people will entertain for free if it gives them exposure.

  6. You should try treasure trooper. I use this site and I am making MONEY.. only thing is yo must be thirteen or older and willing to take surveys.

    If you want you can use my referal code: 431431  

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