
I would like some information on how to make money out of playing pool?

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I am 19 years of age. I want to be the best pool player in the world, i would also love to be able to make a living out of playing the game i love. Could someone please come up with some suggestions?




  1. Well, you must either bet it up or win tournaments and then bet it up.  Either way, to win money playing pool gambling will be involved.  Unless you are a woman wanting to go pro.  I'm pretty sure the ladies on the WPBA tour are not allowed to gamble on pool games.  Good luck!

  2. If you're in the US, join the APA and play in the local league.  If you or your team are good enough, you can win a spot to play in Vegas.  Practice, practice, practice - not just at playing games but every aspect of the game, plus drills.  Play in local tournaments, though you may not be able to play in the ones at bars at night because you're under 21.

  3. Go the betting office - simple.

  4. Try playing in some local tournaments to see how you match up against other players. If you do well you may be ready to gamble. It is very possible to make money gambling even if it is against a better player, never be afraid to ask for a spot, or to take a spot, and use caution when giving a spot, remember it is always about the money.

  5. i wuld bet.

  6. Wanting to be the best in the world is a great ambition; one that requires a good start with learning good technique, a good stroke, and a mind for pool.

    Start out by playing at a pool hall or some place where some avid and seasoned players play.

    Take lessons from a professional. If you're really serious about becoming a world-class player, it's imperative that you begin with the basic fundamentals --and start off by learning good habits ---as your stroke and habits will become automated and set in your mind ---the mechanical aspects that will become natural movement.

    Becoming a top-notch player requires a great amount of time, self discipline, practice, watching, learning, application, study, practice-practice-practice, and endless tournament play.

    If you are as serious about your goal as you have expressed in your question, I would begin with finding a professional instructor, or at least a highly-skilled instructor and mentor. He or She, will get you and your pool game moving in the right direction, while educating you on the game and discuss your potential on becoming a professional. You will know if actually becoming the world's best player, is realistic for you. However, you can't even begin to know your pool-future, without starting at the beginning ----from the same place that EVERY world champion started from. When I first began playing pool, I had NO intentions or desire to become a professional player or even a good player. I didn't even care if I won or lost when I first started playing pool. All I knew about pool, was that I LOVED THE FEEL OF THE GAME. I never stopped playing. I was right for pool, and pool was right for me. THEN I became highly competitive --- a whole new chapter in my life of pool, and what was still to come.

    Have fun. Be patient with yourself. Becoming the world's best pool player, will take many, many years of dedicated practice,   play, and study. Be practical and realistic about your abilities or lack thereof.  Never give up. Attitude is everything!

    Regarding "how to make money out of playing pool?" ---  Once you 'know' that pool is indeed for you, and you have got over the hump to becoming an avid player --The money WILL come, as you continue developing your game and honing your skills. You must start with the basics, and master the fundamentals of playing good pool -----I cannot emphasize that enough. Pool is MUCH more than just shooting balls into pockets. A good instructor and mentor, is going to be your best investment. Initiate a "money game" -- start out with playing a race to 5 for 5 (dollars). See how you fare. Watch out for hustlers! They WILL "dump" a few games to build your confidence and up the bet. You've got to know when to take the money and run! You may learn this the hard way, but with a good mind, you WILL learn. The reason I emphasize the importance of honing YOUR skills, is so that YOU will be the better player than your opponent. Watch players who are playing pool for money (non-tournament play). You'll get a good feel for how these money games and the players, operate.

    There are thousands of incredible pool players in this world. As great as they all are, some great, great players, do not have ALL of the critical and necessary elements that it takes, to be THE world's best.

    Take one step at a time --- and keep on shooting.

    Best wishes to you ---pool is indeed a very special sport!

    Most important ---- HAVE FUN PLAYING POOL !!!

    Always remember: Pool is a game of brains - not brawn!


  7. If you have to ask you have a long long painful road to travel! I played for money almost all the way through college. My advise is play ALOT and play OFTEN. But dont play in the same area where you practice... People are not stupid and wont play you for money if you are playing all the time.

    Another is learn how to take a punch. If you are not playing at a pro level, it means you are a hustler. Sounds cool to say, except to the guy that you just took the money from. They dont like this... Honest bet or not.

  8. practice on the pool table for a few hours everyday to improve your skills

  9. Be a pool shark. Have 1 game were you play really badly and lose make sure you bet money the game but not too much. when you lose ask the person if they want another game but double or nothing, if you play so they really think you are c**p they will do. Then if you are really that good play them again and win!!!! Easy money....if your actually good at pool.

  10. Take the advice you have already been given And Practice you or any one else is never as good as they want to or can be

  11. join a local snooker/pool club and enter some of their competitions, or got to your local bar and do a bit of hustling.

  12. You and a few hundred thousand more But keep working on your game throw you money on the table

    If your talking about turning pro that is not where the money is in pool

    Just learn to read the other players The hunter can be the hunted REAL quick

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