
I would like someone to assist me on my career? Please assist me appropriately?

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Hi buddy's,

I was working as a Technical Trainer in a MNC call center for 10 months and I am presently working as Technical Support with another company for the past 8 months with a package of 20,000 and most likely expecting an hike in 3 months. But as i am committed I will have to settle in ASAP. coz in this concern there is no growth, so I started to do my MCSE and almost completed MCSA as of now and I have plans of doing my RHCE. It is way too difficult for me to predict my future. I dont know what to do exactly to say.. I hav good computer knowledge So please assists me for designation I can apply for... also note that my DOB is 24-7-1986 I have three arrears.. Please help me out in guiding me..




  1. On the qualifications that you have, I think, you dont need an assistance on your career.

    You exactly know what you want and what work you want for yourself. You are mastering "computer" knowledge. So I guess, you're into a computer world. I would not consider your work a boring one, because I will tell you, being a technical support is a good career to pursue.

    I guess, you have plans in mind. What I can tell you right now, you must trust yourself when it comes to decision making.

    Just a quote, "there is more to life than money" my friend. Enjoy what you have!

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