
I would like that you tell me what is your opinion about Prado Museum:?

by Guest62626  |  earlier

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I would like that you tell me what is your opinion about Prado Museum:?




  1. The Prado is absolutely goregous and breathtaking.  I feel like it's a must see even if one ends up not liking it.  I can't imagine how.

  2. I enjoyed it. I was surprised by the vast amount of works by the Dutch painters. Definitely worth the experience.

  3. Fabulous place - The Prado has on display some famous and beautiful paintings by some of the best known artists including Botticelli, Correggio, Rubens, Rembrandt, El Greco, Murillo and Goya. The Prado Museum is part of what is known as "The Golden Triangle of Art" together with 2 other fine museums – the Reina Sofia Museum and the Thyssen-Bornemisza, both containing important art collections. The Prado is generally recognised as the largest art museum in the world - it contains some 8,000 paintings though only around 3,000 are on display at any one time. Enjoy


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