
I would like the most brutal greek or roman myth plz!

by Guest60014  |  earlier

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I would like the most brutal greek or roman myth plz!




  1. The story of Philomela and her sister Procne.

    Rape of his sister-in-law. Cutting the sister-in-law's tongue. Killing the son and serve it as food to his father.


  3. promethies the god of fire job was to gaurd fire from man he asked zeuz the god of gods if man could have fire zeuz said no put promethis gave  man fire anyways zeuz was outraged and ordered that promethis guts be eattin by 2 eagles forever

  4. Philomela and Procne. Rape, mutilation, murder cannibalism.

    Brutal stuff in my opinion.

  5. Oedipus! murder, incest, all sorts of loveliness xD

  6. Niobe and her children. Niobe has 7 daughters and 7 sons, and she's so proud about it that she says everyone in her village should worship her instead of Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, because she's clearly superior to someone with only two children. Outraged, Leto sends Apollo and Artemis to slaughter Niobe's seven sons. As they die Niobe is terribly  sad, but laughs at her triumph, for she still has her seven daughters, and so is still better than Leto. Without hesitation Apollo and Artemis kill the daughters. Niobe collapses in tears, and as she cries she is transformed into stone.

    I suggest you read Ovid's Metamorphoses for a much better telling.

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