
I would like to add birthdays to my yahoo group I own, how do I do this?

by  |  earlier

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I have a yahoo group that has a calender. On other groups I belong to they have birthday alarms come up and remind you and the group that it is someones birthday or an event. I would like to do this for my groups members but don't know how to do it. Anyone out there know?




  1. you do this via the calendar reminders, you'll have to add each birthday indiviually- and there's settings that allow it to go out yearly as well

  2. You can follow the following procedure and make a "birthday reminder" of your own group members by using the calendar section of your group.

    a. go to your Group Homepage

    b. From the left-hand side go to the "calendar" section of your group.

    c. Go to the "events list" section.

    d. one by one add the names and the dates of the birthdays of the members

    e. You can add repeating reminders for them. (they are sent to your group every year)

    (Keep in mind that you have to enter each member's birth date manually)

    Hope this helps..

    PS You can also get

  3. you go to your calender and go to add events or task then you can choose birthday,anniversary,etc.and click save and it should be in there

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