
I would like to adopt, am I old enough?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21 years of age, in a relationship with my long time partner who is twice my age, we've been together 4 years, we live in a beautiful 3 bedroom house. I've been searching everywhere on-line, but can't come across the legal age. I am very mature, have worked with children all my life, and have been brought up around Foster Children as my family Foster for Leeds City Council.

Any help, Thanks in advance!




  1. the legal age in the united states is 18.

  2. Contact your local social services department and ask them.~

    I have a friend that is 24 and fosters children,im not sure what the legal age is for adopting though,my friend got turned down for adoption because socail services said as she could have her own children she has 2 and could conceive ok they would not support her adopting a child ,i cant understand the logic there

  3. I'm sure that you're a very loving couple and that a child would be lucky to have you both in their lifes, I would say that you're certainly old and mature enough to adopt :)

  4. I am pretty sure you have to be married if you both want to adopt together, especially a baby, but good luck x

  5. yes u r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I knew a girl frm college who was allowed to foster at 22, not married with a long term partner and it was bcos her parents were fosterers too. not sure about adoption, why not visit ur gp? good luck x*x

  7. hi

    i dont think there would be age limits really, plus the adoption process takes a very long time so you would be somewhat older...

    Contact social services and express your interest. If you are wishing to adopt a baby you are probably aware this is not easy and you would have to have been declared infertile etc and unable to have your own children and they my think enough time hasnt passed for this unless you have a condition medically diagnosed for your inability to have children.

    Older adoption should not be an issue though. I dont know if you would be best to begin in fostering and that may lead to an opportunity for adoption there. good luck, adopting and fostering children is a wonderful adn admirable thing

  8. hi yes your old enough but why cant you try for your own as they do ask you this  .?????

  9. yes you r old enough

  10. once over 18 there should be no problems social workers etc will see you have a stable environment to bring up a child , good luck

  11. the basic age is 21, so your in luck!

    you mentioned your family foster, surely you could get in touch with the Leeds City Council they foster from and they would be able to give you some ideas.

  12. All the best, think positive so all will be fine, yes you can do it in your age.

    Have fun.

  13. It probably depends on the agency, and you would very likely be eligible for a private adoption. You may need to get married for many agencies, however. They like to think they are sending the children to a perfect forever-home, complete with a well-off married couple. Over here, many agencies will deny to people that are homosexual, unmarried, not-too-wealthy, or hate long-term illnesses or medical/mental conditions. Note that I said MANY, not most/all.

    I would call individual agencies and ask them what they suggest, or begin searching for a private person to adopt from. Here people have used the Classifieds in my local paper for such a purpose.

  14. As long as you are able to keep the child happy and healthy in a good environment I think you should be able to adopt! Good Luck!

  15. ewwww!  this dude has been with you since before you were an adult?  in america, that's called a crime.

  16. in England and Wales you need to be 21 or over, there is no upper age limit but before being able to adopt you will have to be able to prove you are healy and have the energy to look after a child / children. Check out am sure this will be able to help you. Good Luck with you application shuld you go ahead, i am sure you will end up with a very loving family.

  17. yes you are old enough... it would be great the waiting lists are long but you will find there are children in your area aged 2 and above that need home and the waiting lists are not so long - some of these  children do have Problems which can be time consuming but very rewarding .( as you prob already know being brought up with foster children) good luck

  18. You are old enough, check out they have all the info you need. Anyone 21 or older can adopt.  

  19. sweethearth it's all about the money.

    Check my link. I talk about child molesters adopting. It's all about the money, about all things.

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