
I would like to adopt a baby?

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I'm a single female. 25 years old. With a stable home and income. I'm A resident of the United states of america would like to adopt a baby from another country. Prefer a little girl. I would like to adopt from Africa, Europe, Latin America, etc. It really doesn't matter as long as I am helping a child. How do I go about this?




  1. why not adopt from the U.S. are these babies not good enough, not lonely enough, less deserving of a loving mother? i don't understand this. Do you know how many newborn to 2mo. old infants are abandoned in this country every day!!

  2. Please tell me how this goes. I plan on adopting (while single) when I also turn 25.

  3. sorry don't know how things work up in your country.. just wanted to say thks for givin a small one a chance to have a decent life too... me too i'll adopt one when i'll be 28...

  4. FOSTER!!!!! you would help babys being moved from home to home. My little almost bro Deven come to us with alot of probles, but  now he is getting alot better!

  5. You can go to:

    and figure out which country you would like to adopt from.

    After you have that decided, you can Google that country and international adoption agency to get a good listing of agencies with programs in that country.  

    Gather information from the agencies.  You might want to compile a spreadsheet that includes things like fees, in-country time, number of trips, wait time, etc.  You can use this spread sheet to narrow it down to a number of agencies that you can realistically make a final selection of.

    Take your top five (or whatever number) and interview them.  Talk to the social workers and/or the program coordinator for that country.  Ask questions about things that are important to you.  Ask for references.  Call the references & ask tough questions (ask about their experience, ask if they'd use that agency again, ask if they had any negative experiences or misgivings with the agency or the process).

    Check the web & see if you can find others who aren't on the agency reference list who've used them & ask the same questions.  Check out the Better Business Bureau online and see if they have complaints & how they were or were not resolved.

    From this, make your decision and begin the application process!

    I hope it all goes swimmingly!

  6. You are truly a saviour!

  7. There are tons of adoption agencies on-line. Type adoption and the name of the country you are interested in and you will get many hits including US government information on adoption. I have recently completed all paperwork and am waiting for my child from China (the wait is 18-20 months now.)  China's rules changed in May so they are not giving kids to single parents anymore.   Be aware that adopting from certain Latin American countries is not possible right now  because the good ole USA has still not ratified the Hague Convention and the countries that have will not let their kids go to US families because we have been dragging our feet on that for YEARS.  Some countries bring the kids to you and others require that you not only go to the country to pick up the child, but that you stay there for a while.  It does require quite a bit of research first to decide what country's rules work best for your situation and whether they will allow Americans to adopt.

  8. go to a adoption agency for more information

  9. You simply contact agencies you find on the internet and in the phonebook and ask for a packet to be sent, talk to the staff, go on forums and talk to other parents, make a decision about the agency, get a homestudy, fill out all the paperwork, get approved, and then adopt!

    ABC Adoptions has links to some of the best forums.

    Look for an adoption group in your area.  You can call any large adoption agency and ask about them. You can also join a single adoptive parents group online!  

    Good luck!

  10. that is so wonderful. Sorry I can help but good luck

  11. Ther are several countries that allow young, single women to adopt.  Guatemala and Ethiopia are two that come to mind.  We adopted from Guatemala three times and it is a wonderful experience, but a long and costly one too.  If we adopt again, it will probrably be from the U.S. fost adopt system.  

    Check out:  

    It should give you some insight to single parent adoption.  Good Luck!

  12. Contact an adoption agency. I have never adopted so I am sorry I can't be of more help.

    Also just want to say that I applaud you for trying to adopt. I am sure that you will make some lucky child a great mommy! I wish you the best.

  13. I would google "international adoption" - I think Ethiopia is probably the easiest and quickest country right now.  KUDOS to you for providing a loving home to a child!!!!!!! :)

  14. I would suggest speaking to a reputable local adoption agency that specializes in international adoptions.  They are the best resource to determine what qualifications and finances you will need to proceed.  They can also help you to decide which country you want to focus on, etc.

    We used Adoptions from the Heart for domestic adoption, but they also work with international adoptions (a friend is adopting from Guatemala for the 2nd time thru them this year).

    Good luck to you.

  15. Here is a link to a website that lists the adoption requirements for many countries.  Please notice that none of the requirements come from your own country, but are set by the child's country of origin.  We adopted both of our children from China, it has been a rewarding experience for us.

  16. I think you are to young to adopt. It is so hard to raise a child alone. Even if you have a stable income when will you have time to be with the child?. I am a stay at home mom because I do not trust daycares or babysitters to give my babies the love and attetion only a mother could give bio-logical or not. Now I dont want all the single mothers to get mad I understand that some women have no choice and must work . MY husband and I cut a lot of corners so I can raise my children. I have worked and been a single mother and i was always worried about my babies in daycare. Also if you are single and you meet a wonderful man who doesnt want kids??? Are you prepared to handle that? ? 25 is really young to have kids adoption or not live life a little bit longer and see what happens.

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