
I would like to adopt can you please help me?

by  |  earlier

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i want to a dopt a baby can someone tell me how to do it and i want to know a place here in texas that helps people adopt without paying alot of money, please help me i havent been able to have children and i know this is the only way i can have one so please help me thank you.




  1. Adoption should be about finding parents for children and not children for parents.  The children who need parents the most are the children in foster care.  Please look into it.  Good Luck.

  2. Adoption is not a means of "having" a baby.  

    Good god, didn't you pay attention in high school biology?

    The BSE is over; the days of cheap, fast, healthy white infants are long gone.

    Adopt a child in foster care, who truly NEEDS a home, or else forget it.

  3. Hi! I want to start by praising your honorable gesture! MY husband and I r in the process of adopting here in SA, TX. WE went through CPS. The thing about CPS is to find a child with all ties cut from the birth parents you would have to go 3 years and older. THat would make u a adoptive parent. If you want an infant u would have to be foster to adopt. THe parents could get them back. The advantage of adopting like that is that the children over 3 yo come with medicaid till they r 18, college tuition paid for and a $400 a month subsidy till they r 18. And on top of that u pay no attorney fees. The adoption is pretty much free! It is just very time consuming to take classes and have your home inspected by fire and health department. With that you'll spend about $ 300. Tghe classes and everything take about 3 months. Besides the fact that you r giving an abused or neglected child a 2nd chance. May God bless you and your efforts towards that.

  4. adoption doesn't cure infertility.

  5. Adopt through foster care in your state - often they have babies - whose parental rights have been taken away - and it won't cost much.

    Adopting through foster care is about finding homes for those children that really need a loving home.

    I'm sorry you can't have your own.

    Please make sure you grieve for that - as adopting will not be the same as having your own - it never can be.

    An adoptee comes with a past - and that past must be honoured.

    Make sure you can allow your adoptee to know and love ALL their families.

    If you can't - please don't adopt.

  6. I agree with sister ana...(sorry sister i cannt remmber the spellings f your name)

    Adoption CANNT cure infedility

    Trust in God, He is the One who Provides.

  7. your best bet is to google it! if you go on google and type in adoption clinic in texas, i am sure you will find one. but i am writing to tell you that i was adopted when i was 2 weeks old and i am so glad i was. you are doing a really great thing. i appreciate my parents SO MUCH for adopting me. way to go and i wish you the best of luck!

  8. Adoption is, of course, an enormous responsibility.  The first step to deciding if you want to adopt should be research, which should mean you looking around the internet, finding agencies and asking questions.  Here're some helpful looking links I found via a quick search

    Good luck!   I hope it works out for you and yours.

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