
I would like to ask other Seniors Why do u like Obama?I cannot get enough of him myself. He is a fantastic man

by  |  earlier

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and we are lucky to have him as our next President. I understand why young people look up to him as a role model.




  1. "we are lucky to have him as our next President"


    Exactly how is the people of the USA lucky for having Obama? He is just a politician just as any of the many that have passed. And he had you falling in love for him.

    This country will not be saved by one person, but by all of us working together. Oil is expected to rise to $400 a barrel in the following 8 years. WW3 is expected to commence after the election as republicans always do that they make it so that it looks that the Democrats started the war and have no option but continue it (look your history).

    Electing a president that represents the same economical interest that is destroying this country will not help, period! And Obama and the democrat party represents precisely that.

    Republicans and democrats have sold out a long time ago. Did you know that more than most of the representatives own shares of weapon companies?

    IMBO: A person that have not lived your reality will not be able to represent you. Period! And we keep electing people that represent the richest. So average Joe and Jane will never have any real representation.

  2. I can't stand the man..sorry...

  3. Well, the first two answerers confirm what I already knew: A large percentage of this country is mentally challenged.

  4. I don't like Obama. I am a senior. I just look at him as the lesser of two evils. Any man who will not cross his heart at the singing of our national anthem, or when our flag is presented is a poor example of an American.

  5. Troll.

  6. You understand why young people look up to him as a role model? hmm maybe I'm just weird/not in the majority because I think the man is a fraud. He's like a salesman. Good looking, fast talking and full of sh*t.

    Oh well...I don't like any of the candidates. I just hope whoever is elected proves me wrong because I'd hate to live through another 4 years of idiocy.

    Either way this question belongs in the Politics section. Not Gender and Women's Studies.

  7. I would say that because clinton has been noted as saying that they (seniors) were not productive members of society.

  8. As a senior, I don't like Obama.  I feel that he is about the worst thing that could happen to this great country.  He shows no respect for American values and traditions, and is obviously out for himself.

  9. i believe you are in the wrong section. What has your question got to do with gender and women studies?

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