
I would like to be a mermaid! I need help and magic. Also when i am on land i am human! HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Honey? I hope you are joking.

  2. You have to pay to become a mermaid.

    A good place to go to become a mermaid is

    For the mermaid tails go to:

    Have fun.

  3. Who are you reporting?  Those who gave you honest answers?  Or those who just gave you dumb answers because you posted a silly question?  

    Sweetie, H2O is just a TV show - it is not real-life.  

    And if you are under the age of 13, you are the one who should be reported as the Y!A terms of service clearly state that you must be 13 or older to use this site.

    Sorry dear, but life is life, and you must live the life you were given.  Make the best of it.  You can't always have what you want, especially if it's something that doesn't exist!

  4. You cannot 'become' a mermaid. Even if they do exist, what you're asking is the equivilent to saying, "I want to become a giraffe when I grow up."

    Sorry , but it's not possible.

    As for reporting people-WHY?! If you have even spent 2 minutes in the M&F section, you would see the ridiculous number of this same question repeated day after day, and see the silly responses people get, so either you're just looking for attention by asking this, or just plain stupid.

    Oh and by the way, best answer gets 10 points, not 20...

  5. You definately need help....

  6. wtf i am soo lost dont u noe mermaids are like fake well i think thy are ? are they now i am confused ..... but i dont think any 1 ca help u here

  7. Its not going to happen.  You have a better chance at being a unicorn instead.

    Dont cry little mythical creature.  I dont think mermaids have tear ducts.

  8. And i want to be a vampire but i don't think that's possible!!

    Good luck with the mermaid thing...!!;)

  9. heres a spell that may work in 1wk to 6mths sorry for the long time but u have to say this spell in the shower saying either a necklace or bracelet:

    magic spirits of the deep i want a tail not two feet may beauty be upon me ;fish of all kinds let me see when im finished in the sea when im dry my feet return to me

  10. So you're dis-satisfied with who/what you are.

    I have studied Ceremony for several decades.  There is no

    Working that will allow for "shape-shifting" of any sort.

    Such things MAY be utilized by some Shamans...but if so

    it would be a rather individualized means of "traveling in the

    Spirit World".  

    It may be that such creatures are "spirits of the Sea" and if

    so...approaching them would be through a shamanist


  11. close your eyes. imagine. then wake up and face reality.

  12. This is a strange request. I don't think it's going to happen, though.

  13. Sorry, can't help you!

  14. This girl has a spell, use hers:;...

  15. the surgery  is gonna cost you quite a bit..


  17. i know there are many spell,s but a spell is basically a written out poem with a request, spells dont work if someone else un worthy has used them, so ide suggest makin ur own

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