
I would like to be an ARMY RANGER but i wear glasses?

by  |  earlier

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I am kind of near sighted and need glasses to read from far away.

I still am able to play football without glasses and ive never had a problem.would glasses stop me frome being a RANGER?




  1. possibly depends on your stats for training i would guess but alot of the time in movies and stuff i see soldiers with glasses on so i would guess that u might have a slim chance at it oh and if u ever do make it good luck shooting lol

  2. Maybe being a ranger is not rigtht for you sweetie.  I would suggest other fields first, but if you really wish, then maybe they can let you wear contacts.  Oh, and remember, peace is whats good for the world.  I shall pray you can help spread it.  Peace to you.

  3. Yes, you can wear glasses and serve in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Your eyes must be correctable to 20/20 with glasses. You may wear contacts if you like, but you will not be authorized to wear them while conducting Airborne operations. You will be fine with glasses.

    Also, you can volunteer to be put on the list to have PRK done to correct your eyesight. It is something that the 75th Ranger Regiment allows everyone to get. That's if you make it there anyway... good luck.

  4. get contacts

  5. Why don't you just wear contacts.?

  6. To those who say "get contacts", that's a pretty near sighted view of things (excuse the pun).  In a surprise combat situation, will you have time to scramble around for contacts.

    From the sounds of it though, you still have pretty reasonable sight. You might squeeze in. My brother didn't get into the army with -4 vision so if you're any worse than that (and it doesn't sound like you are) it's a no. Otherwise, just ask them. They do a medical when you apply anyway.

  7. ur fine... no problem with that.. good luck!!

  8. no but it might be inconvenient you could just try contacts.

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