
I would like to be finance to build and design an alternative moter not using fossil fuels .I like our home!

by  |  earlier

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my idea will help improve our Earth s attomsphere and better air quality and provide electric to many and reduce the numbers of black out .. More so I would be able to produce jobs for thousands and many more ... Personal financing or business related investments welcom to inquair to may be i ll sell my Idea to some one ??? I would like to see it work!!!




  1. You need to build a prototype, do lots of research, and go to a venture capitalist.  Good luck!  I hope you succeed.

  2. So you want money, like so many others. You have not given me any proof whatsoever that you are not just a fraud. So, forget it!

  3. <<not using fossil fuels?>>

    what then?

    or is this sort'a like church.

    give us money, and have faith.

  4. I have to go along with campbelp. What Proof do You have ? I'm working on something for which I do, in fact, have Proof. See My Avatar ? That's a Device I've constructed that safely converts Gasoline into a clear dry Vapor that's 100 Parts of Air to 1 Part of Fuel, on the Vehicle. I've lit it on Fire to Prove that it actually works. This has the Potential to enable even the largest SUV to get 50 + MPG, and emit 10 times less Pollution than a conventional Fuel System, which is 14.7 Parts of Air, to 1 Part of Fuel. But, it's illegal to even try on any Vehicle from ' 96 to the Present, thanks to the EPA-OBD II Vehicle Inspection Law. I'm not the first to figure this out. Far from it ! For more Proof, go to  . Okay, there's My Proof. Again, where's Yours ?

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