
I would like to be in the Peace Corps...?

by Guest58011  |  earlier

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I'm in high school right now, and thinking about my future. I'm not sure what I would like to do career-wise, although forensics/CSIs (science) appeals to me. I am learning Spanish right now, and will continue to learn through high school and college. On the side, I would like to get a degree so I can edit books, say if I'm at home with kids.

I love to travel more than anything, and other cultures fascinate me.My greatest dream is to little by little see the world. My favorite food is anything new and not American. :) I don't have much experience with living without the luxurious American needs (AC, running water, etc.) but I think I'm willing to try it.

My question is...If I decide I want to serve in the Peace Corps, should it be right after I graduate from college? Will it ruin my chances of a job as a CSI, or whatever I want to be, if I am abroad for two years? What else should I consider if I want to try this? Do I need to get a different degree, separate from whatever is geared toward my career, in order to get into the Peace Corps?

Thank you so much!




  1. You should graduate from high school then join the peace corp. After your done with the peace corp you go to college. You will have so much experience with you when you decide to go to college. You should start a family after college. It would just be so much more convenient and easy for you.  

  2. I suggest doing Peace Corps right after college.  It becomes more difficult to get away as you get older and have more responsibility.

    Just go to college and study whatever you are interested in.  Don't worry about meeting Peace Corps requirements.  Think long term.  Peace Corps is only a 27 month commitment.

    Peace Corps won't ruin your chances of being a CSI.  It looks pretty good on a resume.

    Honestly, put this on the back back burner until you are at least in your third year of college.  You are too young to worry about this.

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