
I would like to become a professional songwriter.Where do I start?

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I would like to become a professional songwriter. I don't plan on doing that for a living but I'd like to send some of the songs I wrote because I feel there are a lot issues that are uncovered and also because I think I'm able to write about everyday situations through unexplored perspectives. Where and how should I start?




  1. You sound more like a lyricist than a songwriter. But whichever, you start by doing it at home and trying to get someone - anyone - to perform your stuff. If nobody will - which is common - learn how to do it yourself and start looking for local gigs. Many bars and taverns will let you  gig there for tips only. Also amateur and open mike nights.

    Just do it.

  2. Go ahead and start writing songs with or without music.  BUT>>>>>>>> The first thing you do upon the completion of a song is copywrite it.  simply type the words and put the music on a sheet and across the top of the paper type copywritten _whatever date!_____________ then ask your parent or somebody you trust to sign it and mail it to yourself BUT never open it when it comes back. Just file it away in a very safe place.  Do that before you send it to any stars or singers.  Without the copywritten letter they can steal it.

  3. Do you mean singer and songwriter? Put your music on myspace and advertise it to people. Maybe you can make a demo cd if people like your music enough.

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