
I would like to buy a Townhouse instead of renting at age 50 I would like to know the best place to live.?

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I would like to buy a Townhouse instead of renting at age 50 I would like to know the best place to live.?




  1. The best place would be near where youre living now because you would know the area very well, or

    live near where you were born for good times feeling.

  2. Florida

  3. That really is up to your preferences. I love MN but my wife hated the cold. We now reside in AZ but I hate the heat... Some people like the dry air here in AZ and some people like it smoldering like in FL....

    It also depends on what you do for a living... where are the best opportunities for your type of work?

  4. I am a Realtor who is dual licensed in North Carolina and in Florida. My specialty is working with babyboomers and retirees. North Carolina is hands down the best place to move to. Especially Western NC. Hendersonville is the city of four seasons, has a wide range of health services, mild climate (due to the isothermal belt), and has many ammenties while maintaining a small town feeling in the foothills of the Blue Ridge mts. West Palm in Florida is also great although four times the price for property. You can email me at if you have any other questions.

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