
I would like to buy a computer LCD screen that can double as a TV...(more)?

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would it be better to get a tv card and instlal in in my computer, or spend money on a monitor that has a built in tv card?

How much extra money should it cost more?

and, would the monitor have a tv cable plug at the back?




  1. Personally, what I did at least...

    I bought a 32" LCD TV with an S-Video a VGA input. My laptop has both, so sometimes I hook the TV up to it. It's not entirely functional for me, since the laptop is pretty easy to use as is.

    If you use a desktop, I'd get the video card in the computer. The benefits it'll give your computer in terms of gaming, video editing, or video viewing will be more useful than getting a TV with a fancy card built in.

  2. If your going to buy the monitor you might as well buy 1 with the tv turner built in. You can probably get it for a 100.00 more and you won't have to install the card into the computer and 2nd it will not tax your computer for power & memory.

  3. I have a tuner card actually a USB dongle.

    Works super!

    I have the Plextor PX-HDTV500U  about $89.00 at NewEgg.

    Highly recommended and rated high for ease of use.

    There are several other good ones out there as well.

    Depends on how much you want to pay.

    Good Luck.  

  4. "monitors with TV cards" are known as TVs. They don't have the resolution of a computer monitors, but, it will be much cheaper to buy a tv with a built-in tuner. Computer monitors larger than 24" are going to cost as much or more than similar sized TVs, if you need it for output from your PC, that's the way to go. You typically cannot plug an rf (s***w-in) cable to a computer monitor. You can get a tuner card for about $80.

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