
I would like to do volenteer work, but there are fees charged by organizations which i can not afford. Help?

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Willing to travel anywhere




  1. i have helped at a church food program they didn't charge me a fee and i got to have enough food to barely keep me alive having to be careful of past due dates on the food but i am alive to tell the tale and i enjoyed doing what i could to help

  2. What kind of volunteer work are you looking for?  If you want to travel, try PeaceCorps.  They do not charge, they send you to different places, they give you a stipend and you can get credit towards a college degree such as an International M.Ed.  Wanna stay close to home? Just try  They have the perfect and most easiest way to match the volunteer with the right place/opportunity.  And it's free.  And most of the opportunities turn into internships, great for those in college.

  3. I am what you might call a professional volunteer.  I work full time, but, if you check around, there are many associations that accept volunteers for no charge and will train you for free.  I am a volunteer fire fighter, volunteer rescue squad member, red cross volunteer, I volunteer in my Church, I am a girl scout leader, etc.  In the past I have worked with developmentally disabled adults (volunteer), and among others, my child's school. Just find something you think you will like to do, and go from there.  It really is the most rewarding thing (s) I've ever done.  God Bless!

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