
I would like to find Tubal Reversal doctor in Oklahoma?

by Guest64997  |  earlier

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I have been searching for a TR doctor in Oklahoma. I have found a couple of fertility doctors who have done TR, but they do not specialize in reversals. Is there anyone who has used a regular fertility doctor to have their tubes untied, or do I need to advance my search to a different location?




  1. Two of my family members and three of my friends all went to the same doctor here in our homestate and had their tubes untied and all were pregnant within a year to a year and a half.....

    Dr. Richard Levin

    Louisville, Kentucky

    Check him out. Click on testimonials of women on there.

    He is the best doctor for this and women all around the world goes to him.

  2. i would advance my search, i research for over a year, i looked locally,I'm in cleveland even at one of the top hospital cleveland clinic, the doctor said she does them but doesn't do them all the time.... i wanted someone who does them all day and everyday,anyway  went with dr.levin in KY, and drove 5 hours and it was the best decision

    i had my reversal in Feb

    started to TTC in april

    got pregnant in July (7 weeks pregnant now) due in April

    good luck to you

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