
I would like to find out what time sunrise was on my birthday.?

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I was born at dawn on 15th April 1985, and I am intrigued to know exactly what time sunrise was on this day. If you know, tell me, if not do you know a site to direct me to. Ta Peeps.




  1. go here:

  2. Check your birth certificate for your birth time.  "At dawn" isn't really a valid clock time as it is just a rough time of day.  The sun doesn't just pop up, it takes time to rise.

  3. In order for me to tell you, you would need to specify where you were born.  For example, if you were born in New York, it would have been 5:17AM.  If you were born in Miami, it would have been 7:08AM.  If you want to check, you can use and enter where you were born.  If you need any more help, just email

  4. It would all depend on exactly where you were born,,for example in Kent the sun rose at 05,30 but in Lincoln ( 160 miles north) it rose at 06,20

    However 15th April 1912 the Titanic sank and 15th April 1793 the Bank of England issued the first £5 note,,,

    edit,,Kent,,I used to live in Faversham and the sun rose at 05,30,,,I used to keep a very detailed diary

  5. google an almanac calender the year you were born.

  6. 5am

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