
I would like to get into stocks but I nothing about them how do I even begin?

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I would like to get into stocks but I nothing about them how do I even begin?




  1. There are plenty of places.  I would recommend reading a book on investing first.  Investing for Dummies (great information) is a good start.  You can pick it up at a store or at your local library.

    As for understanding how the market works you can "practice" by setting up a mock portfolio of stocks.

    On Yahoo!, go to finance, scroll over  My Portfolios and click

    New Portfolio.

    Then you just add the ticker symbols of the companies you want to follow and you can track their movements daily.

    Heres a few symbols to get you started:


    XOM-Exxon Mobil

    MMM-3M (make post its)

    DD-Dupont Chemicals

    KO-Coca Cola

    AIG-American Insurance Group


    BAC-Bank of America

  2. Try looking at ING Direct's Sharebuilder.  That's where I started.  It's free to sign up, and the trading fees aren't very high.  They will basically explain everything on their website in terms that you can understand, and help you invest in whatever best fits your profile.  All you do is simply fill out their "Portfolio Builder," a simple questionairre, and they match you with the best investments.

  3. That's an excellent question. I would suggest you first educate yourself by researching every resource you have access to. Internet, library,friends and family etc.

    Once you are comfortable with your knowledge find a reputable brokerage company and start slowly.

  4. You must learn from a site that offers information for the beginners. I think I can help you there.

  5. First of all select my answers as da best one.

    One month ago I was where u are right now.

    I've made $500 in one month.

    So the advice I'm going to give u is going to be the most accurate one for you.

    Step 1: Get informed buy this book "The neatest little guide to stock market Investing"


    Now you are going to spend two weeks studying this book

    Read the book spend two weeks with it.

    Analyse the real stocks as you read, learn don't just read.

    Step 2: Now that u know the basic you need investment guidence, I use Forbes magazine as my major source, and thinking of buying Montley Fool's Premium investment book (its $150, I'm searching for a buddy to share the costs with)

    Step 3: Pick a cheap Broker (zecco trading, sogo trade)

    Step 4: Pick an expensive Broker (TD AMERI, Fidelity)

    Step 5: Start trading

    you can contact me if you want, I'm searching for a person who shares the same intrest and is at my level.

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