
I would like to go into importing of petrol is there any idea how to go about it?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to go into importing of petrol is there any idea how to go about it?




  1. any fuel you import is subject to taxes and import duties and also any resell taxes aswell,, its really not worth the effort,,

  2. Oil is refined into petrol in the UK so there wouldn't be any point in importing it.  How would you sell it ?  The main oil companies have all the petrol stations sewn up now.

    If you wanted to import it, you would need :-

    1 Someone to buy from

    2 Tankers to ship it over to the UK

    3 A port to unload the tankers

    4 Storage at the port

    5 Road tankers to move it to the petrol stations

  3. Good luck with that.

    Gas is getting $$$, and everyone is trying to get as much as they can get their hands on for the lowest price. If gas wasn't such an issue, I doubt it would be a problem, but because of the extremely high prices and crazy oil markets, you're going to have one heck of a time trying to get a hold of some oil, and if you get the opportunity, its gonna be very very very very very very very very very /VERY/ expensive $$$$. You're not going to be saving time and money importing at this time.

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