
I would like to have some stretching adivce?

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I am working to do be able to split and I have been praticing everyday.

Any advices or tips in how I could evtually splits.

What other stretching exerices I could do?

am I doing it the right way?




  1. Begin with gradual mobility exercises of all the joints, i.e. simply rotate the wrists, bend the arm and roll your shoulders. This will allow the body's natural lubrication (synovial fluid) to protect the surface of your bones at these joints.

    Always warm up the body prior to stretching, as this increases blood flow around the body, which in turn makes the muscles more supple.

    After exercise, slowly bring your heart rate down before you begin stretching in order to avoid blood pooling within your muscles, which can lead to cramp and dizzy spells.

    If you're wet and sweaty, take a bath or shower then stretch, as the hot water will help relax the muscles, and prevent you from catching a chill.

    Never bounce whilst you stretch, unless you are doing specific stretches for certain sports, i.e. ballistic stretching for martial arts.

    Hold the stretch until you feel the muscle loosen off, then repeat for a further 15 seconds.

    Whilst stretching you should feel some slight discomfort, if you don't feel anything, then you may be doing the stretch incorrectly, or simply the muscle has eased off.

    Stop immediately if you feel any severe pain. Remember to breathe regularly and rhythmically, do not hold your breath.

    If you have a bad memory, start with your legs, and work up the body, in order not to miss out any of the stretches.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Remember, not everyone can do the splits. Make sure you stretch your legs properly every day for about 2-3 weeks. If after this time you still cannot do the splits, then don't force yourself to - some bodies simply don't have the flexability.

  3. Always warm up first and do some exercise with your legs!

    Never just do the splits without warming up otherwise you can seriously pull a muscle!

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