
I would like to hear from you if you have "Body Dysmorphia". Please tell me how it effects your life.

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I would also like to know what you have done or intend to do to make yourself feel better. Maybe you have recovered from this disorder. Please let me know as this is ruining my life and I find it hard to go out the door inless I have to.




  1. I've suffered at the hands of body dysmorphia for many years.  I self harmed every time I looked in the mirror for years.  I've been bullimic, depressed, had therapy, psychotherapy, hypno bloody therapy and I still can't look at my reflection.  Since I've had my babies (8, 6 and 2) I've had periods where i have felt better but because I also struggle with food, my weight fluctuates which can set off another big episode.  Every time I look in the mirror, all I see is a big fat ugly oaf.  I know it sounds funny to some people but it's not funny to me.. I'm sure you know what I mean.  I can't buy myself any clothes, so I end up wearing my husbands track suits day after day.  I can't look at photos of myself without feeling the urge to cut.  I continually feel REVOLTING.I'm always worried that if I meet any of my husbands work colleagues they're going to think that I'm really fat and ugly and I don't want to embarress him so I'd rather not meet them.  Sometimes I feel that my face is distorted or that if I look okay in a mirror then the mirror is distorted. S**t man I need help!!! The symptoms are endless.  Hope you feel better soon  x

    Actually this might help you.... a therapist once told me that when I look in the mirror I see "me with a past".  Not me now or with a future.  My past is quite dark and disturbed (my mother is a nut case!!).  I wonder if your past could be to blame for how you  feel about yourself when you look in the mirror.

  2. yes i do to. i refuse to wear skirts and always wear tops that go a little passed my waist. i cant wear tank tops without a jacket either. i also refuse to let friends take pictures and post them on their profiles if we go out.wont wear a swimming costume or bikini. i started..wel a fitness thing. yes i eat breakfast -cereal maybe wheatbix with fruit-and fruit and drink lots of water but its also considered healthy if you eat really light, healthy snacks every few hours -not like pizza or anything-. i also walk my dog every day (if you dont have a dog then just walk, or ride a bike. there is not the nesacity to go to the gym and pay like £5 every time when you can walk for free outside. i feel a lot better about myself, i feel quite conscious about myself but it helps without cashing out on expensive things. and they are not big life changing things either.

    good luck i know its hard ^_^

    i also got a tattoo that helped but thats probs just me XP

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