
I would like to help make a difference for adoptee rights?

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Hi, What are some of the best ways to donate money to help support adoptee rights in the USA? Thank you for any and all ideas.





  2. Thanks for asking :)

    What better way to greet the politicians attending the National Conference of State Legislatures this July than with a full page ad in the print version of the New Orleans Times-Picayune listing adult adoptees and their friends and family who support adoptee rights? Our goal is one thousand names, representing all fifty states.

    You can be part of history by simply donating ten dollars to the Day for Adoptee Rights. Donations are easy, just click on the link below, fill out the short form and you’re all set. Your donation will help defray the cost of the ad and help guarantee maximum impact on the very people who hold the power to open our records. All who have donated so far can automatically be assured a spot in the ad. Join us today!

  3. Off the top of my head, financing organizations like b*****d Nation (http://www.b****** and the Adoptee Rights Demonstration in New Orleans this summer ( are great ways.

    b*****d Nation had been a key behind re-establishing adopted citizens' rights to their own birth records in four states -- Alabama, Oregon, New Hampshire and Maine.

    The day for adoptee rights in New Orleans this summer will be  at the National Conference of State Legislature’s Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, on Tuesday July 22th, 2008. The National Conference of State Legislatures is the largest group of its kind, the national organization of state lawmakers, the people who decide whether adopted citizens may access their records… OR NOT.   It will allow adopted citizens to meet with legislators to discuss our rights.

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