
I would like to improve my reading I think I need to start from the 3 grade to the 12 step by step how can?

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this. I just you can say I dont the sound of words how to sound them out and I dont read with understand. So what would be the best thing for me to do step by step starting at the beging i was told I was on a 6 grade level but I want to go back and start with the sound of work so help if you can please.




  1. Most communities offer adult education programs that could help you with your reading skills.  Call your local school district or high school and ask them if there are adult reading classes or tutors available in your community.  I have a feeling there are, and your school district can tell you who to call.  I give you great credit for wanting to improve your reading skills!

  2. I would try getting Hooked on phonics, that might help or have a tutor to help u out. Is their any learning centers out by your house that could help u out?

  3. The best thing you can do is get some phonics books, buying them or borrowing them from the library.  Jolly Phonics is the newest fad, but any phonics book should help you with the groundwork for reading comprehension.  Good Luck, and congrats at trying to better yourself.

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