
I would like to introduce cricket to France is this possible?

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I would like to introduce cricket to France is this possible?




  1. everything is possible in france, so why not cricket?

  2. French people don't like cricket... but you can try...

  3. They already play cricket in France, just not on the same level as in the UK and the Commonwealth. Maybe organizing a testmatch in Stade de France will get some interest?

  4. they already play it there in lyon i think

  5. You would have an uphill struggle. I am French born, not totally unintelligent, and I have worked in several British schools for boys. I also have a husband who is keen- well, at least when it comes to others playing. I have NEVER understood the rules of the game, the thrill of watching a man with a bat trying to deflect a ball from three sticks- called, I believe, a wicket- then running up and down a field with his bat as if the devil was on his tail whilst others nonchalantly watch him from the side. For me "over and out" is a radio message and "shaving the wicket" means taking a razor to it.  I am regarded as having a fair understanding of English customs and idiosyncrasies, but cricket leaves me cold and totally baffled, so there is a good chance that most of my co-citizens will be at a loss to understand the subtleties of such a game. However there are enough Brits settled in Brittany for you to gather together a decent team , and who knows, a few locals might be intrigued enough to join in, so good luck!.

  6. No.  I'm sorry, they will only play rounders in France.

  7. There is a national  cricket association in France.

    Some of the clubs are listed here :

    In my area there is an active club :


  8. I think it not impossible if you adapt it, for example, if it's possible to drink ricard while playing and insulting other players for fun or something like that :-D

  9. It's no good.  They'd beat us too.

    There's a team from Sevenoaks who play a match each year against a French team on a boules court in Montmartre.  Both sides are far to gentlemanly to remember who won.

  10. I assume you are in Brittany? A bit to far for me to come from Pas de Calais but I would be up for a game if closer

  11. Of course.Start playing the game with simple rules first to get people interested then when they are introduce more rules.

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