
I would like to kill Raikkonen, who else?

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After killing the young Adrian Sutil's dream of finishing at position 4, who would like to kill Raikkonen for doing such a F**king mistake and crashing into Sutil's back? I personally would like to kill him personally. So remember if it is found out that he got murdered, it was ME for sure!!!

For me Sutil is the man of the race!!! and Raikkonen should be killed anyway!




  1. if he does get killled you will have to explain to thwe cops it wasnt you  or you'll spend the rest of yer days in a slammer thats not a good question to be posting

  2. He was very aggressive and his tyres were still very cold so not a lot of control on the car, but killing him, well i don`t know. Anyway had it been Suchmi I`m sure he would have gone to his paddock and attacked him (Sutil) since he was in front of him............. oh the memories!!!!

  3. I'm ashamed to be a Finn today...

  4. Raikkonen, poor performer of the race:

    1. he was beaten by massa at pole position

    2. during start, he didnt think to block hamilton to the right side of the grid, as hamilton shows his plan on start of parade lap.

    3. he was penalized a drive thru penalty.

    4. due to his carelessness, he struck back of sutil's car ruinning the race of that poor guy.

    5. this alcoholic driver doesnt even care.

    6. everybody began to hate him and shifting sympathy to others...

  5. Very disappointing indeed, that f****s Kimi should really apologise to them and to all the Indian fans who were supporting their team.

  6. It was a shame, but it wasn't deliberate.  Very bad luck for Suthill

  7. Kill is a little bit strong!

    It was an accident and i felt badly for Sutil, he had a brilliant GP, but this is F1 and S**t happens

    Be thankful that Raikkonen ended up with no points for his efforts!

  8. this and all happens very often in the sport.. those are inevitable... im also the one who fights against u , if u plan to kill KiMI... you're very evil... sutil will finish on top slot next race if he really deserves the talent..all the best sutil.. don't feel bad

  9. Get a grip man, it was an accident, people like you are what wrong with this world, your an utter pyscho.

  10. We got upset at Räikkönen too when my family watched him crash into Sutil. He was said to be 'inconsolable', crying with disappointment. I heard from the newspaper The Daily Mail that there is a possibility that Sutil's team, Force India, could lose up to £5million from the points lost in his retirement.

    However, it's over-the-top to actually KILL Räikkönen over it (I did not assume from your comments that you didn't mean it literally!). I'm sure he did not want to smash up his car (losing valuable time, position and money from the Ferrari team) as much as Sutil didn't want to be crashed into. If you like, he received his 'justice' through being placed second in the Drivers' Championship when Hamilton overtook his position of first in the Monaco GP (he now has 38 points, whereas Räikkönen currently has 35).

    I'm not a Räikkönen fan myself - I feel he doesn't appreciate the Championship title as much as some of the other drivers and has a certain shallowness about him - even if he is a skilled driver. However it's not worth getting so upset over. It was merely an accident on a very dangerous, difficult and wet track and that's what it comes down to in the end.

    Anyway, we're only a third of the way into the season - currently we've had 6 out of 18 races - and Sutil still has time to regain that fourth position if he tries hard enough. Better still, there should be easier tracks and better weather conditions to help him. The best you can do to motivate him is to keep cheering him on!

  11. i agree with wizz - itwasnt kimis fault. but at the sametime, kimi was not his usual self.  the weather andthe conditions didnt suit him.  he lost time to everyone (except lewis between the first and second stop).  he lost 6 seconds post coming out of the pits behind adrian.. it definitely wasnt his day.  it could have been different in the last 7 minutes and he probably would have overtaken sutil but it is sad it ended this way for adrian.

  12. definetly as a huge mclaren fan I am and for s******g up Sutils race

  13. you ppl blaming kimi are a bunch of f**s.... it was a normal racing incident. sutil made a very brave and inspiring drive i hated to see it all go to waste, and i really wanted his team to get some very hard earned points....but it is racing, and S**t does happen, im a ferrari fan and im not going around blaming ppl cause massa blew it today bec that race was in the bag. its ok, ferrari is gonna comeback and smash mclaren u just wait.

  14. Just a firm slap and a 5 place grid penalty at Canada for me!

  15. Even if Kimi made a mistake, he should still live. I'm really disappointed with what happened at Monaco but it's racing and things happen. Nobody, esp Kimi and Sutil, would've wanted that to happen. Note that Monaco is one of the hardest tracks because it's so narrow. Plus it was a wet race today.

  16. CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes it was a real shame Sutil's race was ended like that.

    That 4th position would have been like winning the f1

    season all together for them.But it was an accident.

    It dose seem that those red cars have a mind of there own

    when it see's some one doing better than them.

  17. Oh I could have cried for poor Sutil, but I wouldn't really want to kill Kimi. I called him all the names under the sun, but at the end of the day it was not deliberate.

    Metal Militia, how can you say that. Adrian drove the race of his life, Kimi had a drive through and 2 new front wings. Sutil sure as h**l didn't stick his car in reverse and ram Kimi did he!

  18. Murder? Probably not. But, a d**n good slap round the head! Unlucky Sutill, chin up. :o)

  19. It was Sutil who spoiled Raikonnen`s race not Raikonnen spoiling Sutil`s. Forcec India are jus underdogs and will have no place in next season for sure.

    You should have noted that each time Force India goes out , it goes out with 1 or other 2 cars. Damnit...

    I`m feel sorry for Raikonnen, but no prob he is and will the champ again...

  20. i felt the same at the begining but at the end its not abt revenge as someone said raiko dint get any points but it was soo bad sutil dint finish finally i just say bad luck and better luck next time for adrian thts it

  21. Like others have said, Rakkonen made a mistake, which anyone can do!

    This is racing afterall. I do feel very bad for Sutil, but he wasn't in that position due to luck, he really earned it. This shows that he will probably move up the grid and score plenty of points in his career. I hope Force India can get at least a couple of points this year as well.

  22. kill that bast***  kimi......otherwise sutil wud have finished with points.........

  23. same sutil deserved it end of

  24. Idiot! I think you need to learn to control your feelings! For sure it was unfortunate that the incident occurred but it's Monaco, but in all fairness I believe it occurred as Kimi was being cautious and braked a little early on a slightly damp track! A few others commented that being a world champion he shouldn't make mistakes like that.......... but the other (double) world champion made many many more mistakes during the race! Try and see the bigger picture before you post questions like that!

  25. Go to Italy and try to kill him, please'll be torn apart. Ferrari is very well supported over there. In fact it represents Italy. So if the cops don't fill you with lead and you somehow evade having your head turned to pulp by Kimi's'll have to get through a 100,000 strong lynch mob in and around the Maranello area. I wish you luck.

    p.s. As if he did it on purpose. Idiot.

  26. Count me among the people who would stop you from killing anyone for such a reason. This question shows how evil, stupid, and childish you are. Sutil would be ashamed of you.

  27. What a stupid thing to say.

    Imagine what driving an F1 car at Monaco is like. Tight, twisty with some awkward cambers; it really isn't a proper gand-prix circuit. Even in perfect conditions, people lose it, and crash out, as David Coulthard did in practice.

    Now add almost zero visibility and standing surface-water, and you get the sort of drama which befel Raikonnen. He had lost it way, way back up the track; fighting hard to correct the car and stop it slamming into the armco barriers. You cannot brake and correct a vehicle so out of line. You can do one or the other; not both.

    Sadly, Sutil was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he collected a Ferrari up his rear.

    Sutil drove a magnificent race, and I'm quite sure that Raikonnen wouldn't have wanted to take that away from him.

  28. Kimi was clearly at fault there... everyone else made it round okay, and he's the world champion... shows how 'great' he is really doesn't it?? As much as I don't rate Sutil, he did drive really well today and deserved 4th place.... At least Kimi got no points out of it...

  29. It's just a race... and it's not Kimi's fault. As U can heard fr the newscaster, it's was becos the brake problem..he not doing in purpose..he also d**n F**king since he in 9th.... didn't get a point in the race !!!! Why nobody understand him????? He also want to win the race!

  30. I wouldn't go as far as killing him, but I would like to kick him a few times

  31. What a pity for Sutil. I was initially raged at Kimi. But after seeing the images it was not his mistake. Hard luck

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