
I would like to know how madonna can decide to adopt another child ?

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How is it possible for madonna to adopt another child without the agreement and support of her husband. if this were a normal family they wouldnt have a chance. is it money that is the deciding factor.




  1. Money buys alot of things!  Look at  Angelina Jolie and others that are adopting without a husband.  

  2. Single women adopt all of the time.

  3. who cares if money is the factor, forget the long as a baby,child,kid what ever u want to call them is being well taken care of...who cares...

  4. Those stupid people think that adoption is fashion... SHAME ON THEM.

  5. She's adopting again?  I didn't hear about this.  

    Since Madonna is married, her husband SHOULD be required to consent to the adoption.  Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, is single.  Some international programs allow single parents to adopt, others do not.  

    But that said, these are requirements for us "regular folks".  Fame and money make a lot of things happen that couldn't happen for us mere mortals.

  6. Ugh. This makes me so angry. Unfortunately, money surpasses the law. Doesn't she even consider that the husband might resent that child. God, it's a human being, not a fashion accessory.  

  7. Money can buy you anything, even someone else's child.

    The trend to adopt little black babies from Africa (like they are fashion accessories) is one of the more disgusting and disturbing current celebrity phenomena.

  8. Poor kid.

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